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Mobile Spy Helps Parents Keep Tabs on Cyber Bullying

It’s estimated that every day in America there are 160,000 students around the nation that stay home from school out of fear of bullying. The issue of bullying has become a hot topic, especially as more students continue to make the news headlines regarding the issue.

Bullying has prompted issues around the country, including those that have escalated to violence and suicide. One issue that has become more popular in our recent technology driven world is that of cyber bullying.

Cyber Bullying Defined

With the advancements made in technology we have been able to make communication easier than ever before. We can text people anytime of day and get responses back immediately. We go online and get all the information we need and keep touch with thousands of people, many of whom we haven’t seen in decades. While these are the good things associated with technology, there have been some negatives as well.

Cyber bullying, which is the bullying that takes place through electronic means, such as through texting or online routes, is increasingly becoming a problem in today’s society. It’s been reported that 42 percent of kids have been bullied online, 35 percent have been threatened, and 58 percent have not told their parents about it. Anyone scanning the news headlines will see that some of the stories that start with cyber bullying have ended with court cases and worse yet, suicides.

The Solution
Unfortunately parents cannot be everywhere their children are at all times. Many kids today have cell phones like the iPhone or Android and go online regularly. Most of the time when they do go online or engage in texting parents are not standing over their shoulder making sure that cyber bullying is not transpiring. But there is a solution that will help parents keep tabs on kids and may be an effective route to helping to raise a parent’s knowledge of cyber bullying that their child is engaged in, whether being bullied, or being the bully.

The tool that many parents are turning to today is Mobile Spy. The software is something that parents can easily register for, download into their child’s cell phone, and then keep tabs of what’s going on. Once downloaded, the software let’s parents get complete reports on what the child is doing online, a log of any texting, email activity, social media activity, call details, GPS location, photos, videos, and more. All parents need to do is log into their account and they will have access to reports, or see the information in real time. They can read the chats that transpired, see the videos and pictures taken, and get a complete overview of what they are engaged in online.

A Safety Net

Some people may find that the software is obtrusive, but with the problem that bullying is today, it may be a solution that not only helps them help their child, but also could help save a life. Mobile Spy works for all smartphones, including BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile, and iPhone. Whether parents are SMS Monitoring their teen sexting on their phone, or getting the answers they need about cyber bullying, Mobile Spy may just be exactly what they need!

Kelly Austin writes technology article covering various operating systems and software, providing the latest in smartphone information for topics concerning iPhone, Android, Windows, or Mac. Follow Kelly on Twitter @KellyAustin86

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