Samsung Galaxy S3 Phenom Android 4.1.2 JB Custom ROM

Those of you that own the Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300 will be happy to know the Phenom custom ROM is available to install, this is based on the Android 4.1.2 Jelly bean update and contains an array of features that you may just like.
The new Phenom custom ROM has many new features including stock kernel, Bloatware Removed, Unsecured boot.img, Root & SuperSU, as well as De-Odexed, a few Build.prop Tweaks, Busybox, Aroma Installer, Zipaligned, 3 Minit Mod and Beats Audio with DSP Manager.
The ROM also comes with a themed TouchWiz interface, and the Beats Audio software optimizations will give you a better sound experience.
Please remember this is not an official release and could contain a few problems, we always recommend you do a backup and of course you install at your own risk. For more information and the complete guide to install the Phenom Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean ROM please follow Team Android.
If you are already using the Phenom custom ROM on your Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300, please do let us know what you think of it?
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