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Halo by Paranoid Android video demo, open source project

The Paranoid Android team has announced that its new HALO project will become open source, and this will bring an array of new features, we have included a demo video of Halo in motion on a smartphone.

In the video demo by Chris Nacca (Oode) talks about the new Facebook Home interface amongst other stuff, he also goes into floating notification at the top of the screen on top of open applications.

The new Halo project allows the user more interactivity and the ability to interact with app in a limited matter, such as sending a message response etc.

The Halo project is based on AOSP for developers and shows a great visual aspect to the notifications, you can check it out right here by clicking on the relevant links – HALO 1/2HALO 2/2.

Samsung has the multi-window functionality, but Halo is basically another extension of the system notification, shade. Please watch the video to see it being used below.

Here are the full changes after open sourcing: Everything is silenced, HALO Whitelists do the same but only allow pinging when you explicitly allow it for individual apps, HALO has white & blacklists now. Blacklists prevent apps from pinging through, Dismissal of notifications has been improved, PA Wallpapers has been taken out of the rom and can be downloaded for free on Google Play Store, DCHSPA symbol when the DCHSPA network is being used. As well as PIE option for empty angle (the start gap), Dirk Rettschlag’s Quick unlock, StatusBar Date/Time layout changes, Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime, Brightness dialog updates and the launcher does not need to be started when you go in and out of full screen (no more black flicker). For more information on this please visit this Google+ page.

What do you think of the new HALO project open sourced by Paranoid Android team?

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