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NBC app for iPad, iPhone updated

There are a huge number of ways for us to view digital content away from our TV screens at home with our favourite programs available via a variety of mobile applications, and today we have news that the NBC app for the iPad and iPhone has been updated.

Users in the US can view all of their favourite TV shows at anytime for free on their iOS device via the all new NBC application. The app has recently been the subject of a UI redesign to optimize the app for the new iOS 7 operating system.

You will now have access to full length episodes of shows such as The Voice, The Michael J. Fox Show, The Blacklist, and many more. There is also the option of finding out what’s due to be shown with the apps intuitive schedule module.

The search function allows users of the app to quickly find the episode they are looking for and the update brings the app to version 2.2.1 with various bug fixes provided, and for info or to download hit the App Store.

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