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Mobile Phone Dermatitis Alert: Phones can cause skin rash

A report has come in claiming that mobile phones could possibly cause skin rash, the British Association of Dermatologists has put a warning out saying that mobile phones if used for long periods could in fact cause skin rashes on the cheeks and around the ears.

The rash and itchy skin so far is unidentified, the nickname for this problem is called “mobile phone dermatitis,” apparently these rashes can happen if you are allergic to nickel in mobile phone cases and this is where you could possibly get an allergic reaction.

Dr. Graham Lowe, from the British Association of Dermatologists said “”In mobile phone dermatitis, the rash would typically occur on the cheek or ear, depending on where the metal part of the phone comes into contact with the skin. In theory it could even occur on the fingers if you spend a lot of time texting on metal menu buttons,”

According to some results of Bercovitch’s tests these phones mentioned all had nickel in brand-logo, the phones are the Motorola Razr, Motorola SLVR, Motorola L2 and Motorola Q. Other problems were found on the BlackBerry 8700c (speakerphone), Samsung e150 (metal around the screen and menu button); Sony Ericsson W600i (menu button); Samsung d807 (menu button); Sony Ericsson T610 (only if the paint is chipped) and Sony Ericsson W810i (menu button).

Please let us know if any of these phones has caused you skin rashes please?


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