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Android Adoption in China Could Suffer if Google Pulls Plug

Much in the news is Google and the probability of them pulling out of China and if they do it could damage the adoption of Android based smartphones in the world’s biggest mobile market reports an article over on the WSJ.

If Google pulls out of China, Android based smartphones such as the Motorola Droid and Google’s own Nexus One could well face the cold shoulder from the Chinese mobile populace.

The Nexus One and Motorola Droid along with other Android handsets sport Google services l;ike Google Voice and Gmail, so the loss of Google support would be fairly glaring for Chinese Android adopters.

Jennifer Erickson of Motorola has said that for Motorola China is critical and is committed to delivering innovative services and products just as they have in China for the past 22 years. A spokesperson for HTC, another Android adopter has said HTC wasn’t in a position to comment.

Currently it remains unclear if Chinese mobile customers would be willing to purchase an Android phone without Google services, but Burden has said many Chinese consumers are willing to pay extra for a handset with all the features but they may not be willing to do so for a handset which has been feature cripple in one way or another.

So, what do you think, will Google pulling out of China mean Android will suffer, and if so to what extent?

Image via infoseekchina

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