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Facebook to get like button, will smartphones feature it?

Next month is Facebook’s F8 Developer Conference and there are expected to be several product announcements and some will no doubt hit the net waves before the conference begins like most things do, and the reason for this is because they test new gear with 3rd party developers.

According to an article over on tech crunch, they are hearing a new feature will be the extension of Facebook Connect and API which will enable publishers to add a “Like” button to content, and is probably a part of Facebook’s Open Graph API project.

Apparently this new “Like” button is more than the current “Share” button and a source with knowledge of the project say that you can think of it like this…”Google spends billions of dollars indexing the web for their search engine, now Facebook will get the web to index itself exclusively for Facebook.”

It’s a big idea and good for publishers, but will Facebook Mobile also feature this new “Like” button so mobile phone users can also get in on the action? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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