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New iPhone 4G front facing camera great prospects for Gaming?

We are all familiar now with the recent news in relation to a certain iPhone being left or lost in a bar by an Apple Software Engineer and then somehow as if by magic it appeared in the hands of Gizmodo.

Although it has been reported previously here, just in case you missed it. Gizmodo couldn’t manage to find out the whole hardware and the specifications of the iPhone 4G but one thing is for sure you just couldn’t miss the front facing camera.

Pretty much anyone you speak to about the camera on the front expects that this is all to do with video conferencing, but lets think realistically on this how many of you guys out there actually use your devices for video chatting. Probably not many of you.

The camera will probably have more of an impact on iPhone gaming. We all know that the iPhone is a proven portable gaming console as both publishers and developers are gathering and creating games for the iPhone as well as PSP and Nintendo Dsi, sales are increasing at about the same rate. So why on earth would you purchase something that is only capable of gaming, when you can buy the real McCoy and have something that is a mobile phone but also permits you to use for mail, multimedia and also gaming?

The new iPhone is on its way and due here in the summer with the screen which has bigger resolution this will also improve gaming, a few things you can do with a front facing camera, for the younger ones out there you can add your face to your favourite games. Social networking while playing games, Nintendo like WarioWare and Nintendo like face tracking plus much more. Share your comments and opinions with us.

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