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Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates: Apple is bigger than Microsoft

It looks like Apple is bigger than Microsoft, is this the case where Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates? Apple has been very successful with its products and operating systems such as the iPhone series, laptops, PCs, the recently new iPad and so much more.

Around mid-1997 Steve Jobs announced that rivals Microsoft was going to invest a whopping $150 million in Apple, but then came back saying ‘‘We have to let go of the notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose”, basically calling Bill Gates and saying thank you the world’s a better place. Nice

Well now in 2010 Apple are in second place behind giants Exxon Mobil as America’s second most valued firm, Apples market capitalisation hit $241.5 billion, whereas Microsoft was only at $239.5 billion, ok not a lot of difference considering but yet still enough to put Apple ahead of MS.

For more information and greater detail please visit Economic Times, we can see Apple going well ahead of Microsoft especially when they release the new iPhone 4G and many other products that are up there sleeves.

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