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iPhone Parody Commercial Gets Ellen DeGeneres Into trouble with Apple

This could well be proof that when it comes to the iPhone, Apple takes thing way too seriously as on Monday the 3rd of May; Ellen DeGeneres ran a fake iPhone parody commercial fumbling about with the iconic iPhone, hitting the wrong icons and such.

Well apparently although some found the iPhone parody funny Apple didn’t and as a result the following video was produced as way of an apology to Apple but you do also get a replay of the fake commercial so you can see if you agree with Apple’s stance that DeGeneres made it look like the iPhone was hard to use.

In the just over two minute video which can be viewed below courtesy of technobuffalo, DeGeneres goes on to say that she loves her iPhone, her iPad and her iPod and even iHop if Apple has anything to do with that.

It just goes to show that when it comes to anything Apple, Apple doesn’t have a sense of humour and has probably done more damage to their brand by asking for an apology than DeGeneres’ fake iPhone commercial.

Anyway hit up the video below and see what you think, do you believe Apple was right asking for an apology?

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