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New iPhone 4G HD LCD panels surface again

We have some more pictures to share with you of the iPhone 4G HD panels thanks to a recent post over at via iSpazio which reported that one of their users have received components of the iPhone 4G.

In particular the touchscreen and the front bezel apparently sent directly from Chinese manufacturers. It has already been reported last month leaked iPhone 4G panels which came with a video.

The screens are very similar to the ones being reported by the iSpazio video which show us the LCD of the probable 4G iPhone. A hole which is visible in the front panel appears to be confirming that the arrival of iChat and video conferences are on there way.

It also looks like there is the possible opening for a digital camera also on the front of the device. The LCD of the iPhone 4G is dramatically different from that of the 3G. To start off with the connector is much bigger and also suggests an increase in the number of connections to the motherboard.

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