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WWDC 2010 iPhone OS 4.0: What We Really Want!

WWDC 2010, new iPhone 4G/HD and of course iPhone OS 4.0 simply known as 4 is going to be all the news we want today, yes there will be many other things mentioned but lets stay with our best subject shall we.

The iPhone operating system is surely going to be detailed again tonight and there are many things we would like to learn more about, this is why we have called ‘what we really want’.

ZDnet has put together a very nice list and so have we a few times but this list is pretty interesting, they mention about Multithreaded third-party apps and if they will appeal to most of you, what about Over-The-Air (OTA), as we know the iPhone has GSM, 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth yet you still have to connect a cable to update software, come on Apple.

Would you like a new feature where you can speak to search, speak to email and even speak to Tweet? More info on this would be nice Steve Jobs, Free navigation would be nice as well within the new OS 4, no more fees for iPhone navigation please, Apple become friends with Google and implement Google Maps, its free on Android so make the move.

Would we like to see widgets, more options for iPhone desktop, good news, stocks, weather, twitter widgets, Android’s menu-bar is cool so what about a new Menubar for iPhone.

Of course we would definitely want video calls, yes we know the new iPhone aka 4G or HD will have a front-facing camera but information on this tonight would be nice, iChat baby please.

What would you like to hear from WWDC 2010 tonight, please send us what you would like from Apple? Tonight is going to be hot readers so come back at 6PM and all will be revealed. Just a reminder check out the new official WWDC 2010 App

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