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Xperia Arc, iPhone 4, Galaxy S Display Battle Video

Take the hugely popular iPhone 4 along with its hugely popular Android rival the Samsung Galaxy S and then add the new Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and what do you get? Why a battle of the displays of course, which is exactly what we have for your viewing pleasure today.

The Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc versus the iPhone 4 versus the Samsung Galaxy S display battle video comes our way courtesy of the guys over at the Daily iPhone Blog and by way of GSMarena and delivers a rather short 40 second comparison between the smartphone displays.

As you are probably aware, the iPhone 4 packs its Retina Display while the Samsung Galaxy S touts a Super AMOLED Display and the newbie to the bunch, the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc sports a Reality Display, and we have already posted a face-off between Retina and Reality (here).

To be quite honest the video which can be viewed below doesn’t actually give a great comparison between the differing displays but does show that the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc does sport a much brighter display especialy when viewed from certain angles.

So with that said all you need to do now is jump on down, mash that play button and check out this smartphone display battle video…enjoy.

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