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HP Files for 3 New Tablet Trademarks

Obviously when it comes to the tablet game, HP isn’t going to be left out in the cold and wants to make sure they get a piece of the action, and as such apparently HP has now filed for three new trademarks all presumably judging by the name, for tablets.

According to an article over on Ubergizmo and by way of Pocket Now, HP has files with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the “HP Touchslate,” HP Touchcanvas,” and “HP Duopad,” following on from last weeks “HP Touchpad” and previous “PalmPad.”

So either HP can’t make up their mine on what to call their latest tablet device or there could be 5 new tablets devices coming out of the HP camp.

Of course with their webOS 2.0 event just round the corner on February the 9th we could well see several new tablets being unveiled by HP.

So any of the above trademarks take your fancy and attract you towards an HP tablet? That HP Touchcanvas sounds rather interesting don’t you think.

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