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Apple iPad Too Small? How About the Padzilla Case: Video

Well yesterday I posted a video of a rather nice 23-inch Android 3.2 Honeycomb tablet, and not to be left behind in the size matters stakes we have for your viewing consideration below an Apple iPad case that turns your iOS slate into a whopping 70-inch iPad.

The Padzilla case for the Apple iPad video comes our way courtesy of the guys over at Daily iPhone Blog and by way of Crunchy Logistics, the makers of the Padzilla Interactive Case.

Here’s what the blurb says about the Padzilla case “This interactive case allows you to use your iPad/iPhone with a massive screen that is multitouch capable. Shown in the video is a 70″ version but can be made in any size up to 150″. Jailbreak is not required. However this is an accessory and does require an iPad or iPhone (3GS or 4) to work properly. This unit can be positioned vertically or in a table mode thanks to our special mounting system.”

According to their website, the problem was adding multi-touch communication from an outside device, and their approach was “Building a fast TCP network to virtualize Bluetooth Input from external device,” and the result is a “Massive iPad.”

Of course as with the Android MegaPad I previously posted, the Padzilla case iPad isn’t in any way shape or form a portable device, but it does give you a much larger touch screen to play around on.

Anyway for the iOS faithful out there, head on down and mash that play button to check out just how big this can make your iOS device…enjoy.

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