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Optimized tablet Call of Duty Elite app for iPad & Android

We’ve got some news today that should satisfy plenty of enthusiastic gamers out there who enjoy gaming using mobile devices. Although Activision had previously released Call of Duty Elite Mobile App for both iOS and Android we now hear that an optimized tablet Call of Duty Elite app is on the way for the New iPad and Android tablets.

The Call of Duty Elite Mobile App has already amassed 2 million downloads so a Call of Duty Elite Tablet App seemed an obvious progression and now that is being delivered, based on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. Noah Heller, Activision Product Director, spoke recently with T3 and confirmed this “natural transition.” Although Heller was not willing to give much away he did say that work on the tablet-optimized app was taking place right now and stressed that it was not a simple port but a “native customized application.”

Heller confirmed that it was the popularity of the Call of Duty Elite Mobile App that made Activision decide to come up with something exclusively for tablets. Although he would not confirm certain features for the tablet app, when asked about the possibility of live Heat Maps while playing in game Heller said, “It has been brought up before, I can’t say anything about it but it has been brought up before.” Although not too much is known about the app so far then, T3 speculates that some features of the mobile app such as weapon loadout customization might also appear on the tablet app.

It seems as though the new tablet app will also tie in with Elite use on the Mac, PC and Xbox 360 Elite app and as T3 points out, with the new iPad just released having an amazing Retina Display (with resolution of 2048×1536) it will be interesting to see what Activision can come up with to make the most of it. Do you already play on the Call of Duty Elite Mobile App and if so what do you think of it? Would you like to see it especially optimized for tablets?

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