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New exploits forwards iOS 5.1 jailbreak progress

Hackers are making progress with the iOS 5.1 jailbreak, the last we heard anything about the jailbreak was back in March when we reported that devs are busy working hard to provide a good untethered jailbreak.

When iOS 5.1 was released it was soon updated with new software that patched previous exploits, this basically left anyone upgrading would lose their jailbreaking ability, the good news is that anyone with Apple A4 devices could still jailbreak.

You can sit up straight for a minute now because iDB have some good news, if you have updated your device to iOS 5.1 you will be happy to know that hacker Pod2g (the man behind Corona and Absinthe) reports via Twitter that he has exploits to start new workings on a new jailbreak. His tweet basically says that he is working on bypassing ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) at bootup, this complex security approach will randomize data on the RAM to help prevent exploits from taking control of the system.

Where there is good news we all know it is followed by bad news, according to Chpwn, he suggests that even though all exploits have been found it does not mean a new jailbreak will come anytime soon. He even went on to say it could be months from working well.

Whatever Chpwn says it is still progress, some good news is better than no news at all in users eyes. The hope is that the new iOS 5.1 will work across all devices. Please do use the commenting area below and let us know what your views are.

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