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Best smartphone camera votes with blind testing

Smartphone photography is an increasingly important aspect for many owners of a new device these days, and we often bring readers news and videos showing camera capabilities of smartphones as well as performance comparisons with other handsets. It’s always interesting to see the results of blind testing though, and you can now have your say with best smartphone camera votes, depending on what you see.

Every now and then Phone Arena conducts blind testing on various top smartphones and in the last batch of testing back in the summer it was the Samsung Galaxy S5 that won top spot with the LG G3 in second place. Now the testing is being conducted again, so it will be extremely interesting to see which cameraphone is victorious this time.

With the blind testing readers are asked to look at sample images taken with 6 different smartphones, and there are no clues as to which device has been used for which photos as the handsets are not named at any point. The comparison shows images of the same setting taken with each of the 6 devices and three different scenes (sample shown below). After having a good look you simply need to vote for Phone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 depending on which you think gives the best results.

This is really fair way of getting unbiased opinions on smartphone camera performances, and hence it’s always intriguing to find out the results. The images shown have been cropped so that they can be displayed side by side but if you’d rather see high-resolution versions you can do at the source below, where you can also take part in the ongoing poll.

The poll only opened today and after a few more days Phone Arena will publish the full results. We’ll be eagerly waiting to find out which is voted the best smartphone for photography performance and will let you know. Are you going to take part in this blind camera test poll for smartphone photography? We have our favorite…. do you?

Source: Phone Arena

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