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New Palm Pre features should frighten rivals

Yes that’s what the standard thinks anyway. They believe the Palm Pre is a “game-changer” and features several winning attributes that just may put the Palm Pre ahead of the competition such as the Apple iPhone and Blackberry smartphones.

The first of which they list is the Touchstone Charger as the Palm Pre is the first handset to work with a wireless charger. Secondly, they say the Pre “fits like a glove” as opposed to the iPhone. Thirdly, the Palm Pre is primed for multitasking and is powerful; it’s faster when compared to BlackBerry handsets and the iPhone.

Next it can handle Flash and Palm plans to integrate Adobe Flash 9 into the handset sometime this year. Lastly the Palm Pre camera is better as it captures impressive images unlike that of the iPhone and other mobile phones.

They even slapped up a video showing the Palm Pre in action, which you can view below. So what are your views, do you agree? Should the Palm Pre features frighten rivals?

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