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Apple decides iPhone public will forgo choice of adult content

As we reported earlier, Apple has been removing any iPhone application from the App Store that contains in their view, adult content. Apple apparently stated that apps with ‘overtly sexual content’ will be removed; now one would presume this would mean bordering on ‘soft porn’ however this doesn’t seem to be the case.

According to an article over on tech crunch, they are hearing from numerous iPhone app developers that the new rule covers anything which could be deemed slightly titillating and includes such things as swimsuits, fitness outfits, anything showing skin and the like.

If your iPhone app comes in this wide ranging category then you are probably going to find your app has been give the order of the boot by Apple.

Jon Atherton, the developer of Wobble Boobs that was recently kicked from the App Store has now published a list of Apple’s new rules to his blog and it covers…no images of women in bikinis, no images of men in bikinis, no skin, no silhouettes which can use wobble boobs feature, no sexual innuendo including sex, booty, babes, boobs as they are all banned, and nothing that can be deemed sexually arousing.

Has Apple taken up a religious order with this draconian set of regulations, have they become the ‘Big Brother’ of righteousness and piety that they can simply ban anything that they feel is sexually orientated?

Perhaps it is time Apple stepped into the same era as their iPhone tech and stopped being so bloody prudish when it comes to iPhone apps, after all I’m sure if a person doesn’t like sexual content then all they need to do is not download the app, right? It would appear that Apple feels the iPhone public can’t make a decision for themselves.

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