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Sprint DemoAnywhere Tool allows users to test phones online

The word is Sprint has launched a new online tool called Sprint DemoAnywere, which apparently allows users to sort of ‘test drive’ a mobile phone before committing to purchase the device, reports an article over on intomobile.

Sprint DemoAnywhere tool also delivers videos, numerous images, feature list, further information and tutorials on the mobile handset you are considering purchasing, and there are also step by step instructions on community features and how to transfer songs to your handset.

It seems that Sprint has covered a considerable quantity of mobile devices with the DemoAnywhere tool, and at least gives another string of the options of finding out about a mobile phone to the customer before handing over your hard earned cash.

Apparently it’s not as flashy as the Nexus One 3D tour done by Google but, and isn’t really earth shattering news, but it’s something other mobile carriers should also consider doing for their customers.

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