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Vertigo mobile experiences with Windows Phone 7 Series and Microsoft Silverlight

At the MIX10 Conference, Vertigo announced their intention to develop enterprise and consumer mobile experiences for Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows Phone 7 Series according to an article over on fox business.

Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Series combines the XNA Framework for game development and Microsoft’s Silverlight for rich internet applications that delivers an end to end mobile development platform which is based on a familiar toolset and programming language.

Engineering Director for Vertigo’s Touch practice, Paul Osburn has said, “Windows Phone 7 Series will enable Vertigo to build on our strength of designing user experiences for a variety of form factors, while leveraging our agile engineering process on the familiar Silverlight development platform. The addition of XNA for 3D and game development raises the bar both in terms of what’s possible, and the types of applications we can develop, with few limitations.”

Windows Phone 7 Series represents a fresh alternative to current providers, but vertigo sees using Silverlight to help increase the portability of business applications as they start to gain momentum within the enterprise. Vertigo has an established history of delivering engaging and immersive experiences for both the Web, and the emerging landscape of Touch interfaces and devices.

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