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WhereWuz App for iPhone and Android Releasing Soon

There’s a new personal travel recording application that is being released for both the iPhone and Android smartphones and has been approved by Apple for App Store review. The WhereWuz app for iPhone and Android enables users to search, store and revisit their life’s location history on their smartphone.

The WhereWuz app for iPhone and Android by Sunny Day Software enables the user to auto-record their personal travel paths whilst the new app runs silently in the background and user have the ability to search and locate where they were at any given point in time in the past.

The inventor of WhereWuz, Dr. Craig Rosenberg says, “The more I personally use the application, the more I see how powerful the ability to record my location and path history as I travel around is to my daily life. I can now finally search and see exactly where I was at any point in time since starting to use WhereWuz. In addition, I can now know exactly when I visited any location such as a restaurant, a hiking area, a particular city, or street address. Wow!”

We also have a quick video walkthrough of the new WhereWuz app for iPhone and Android which lasts just over two minutes and can be viewed below, so hit that play button and check out WhereWuz, a new iPhone and Android app that should see release around the 9th of this month…enjoy.

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