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My strange addiction to mobile apps

Just a few short years ago we had never heard of smartphone apps and yet now many of us are pretty addicted to them, especially social and gaming apps. Whether using the Android platform, Apple’s iOS platform, or indeed any other, most of us now have at least a few apps installed on our mobile devices and I for one have a strange addiction to mobile apps and wonder if other readers share this addiction.

In a brief space of time the apps market has absolutely exploded so that there are now millions available to suit all kinds of interests. Many of us use the usual social networking apps to keep in touch with friends and family and the latest to really catch on is Pinterest, the popularity of which has come as somewhat of a surprise. Simply put, Pinterest involves posting things from the Internet that you think others would like to see, a sort of online pinboard if you like. You can include photos, articles and more and in many ways it’s like a modern version of clippings cut out from newspapers and magazines that you keep to show a friend.

As far as mobile gaming goes two of the apps that are the most compelling are proving to be Dooors and Temple Run. Dooors is completely addictive as far as I’m concerned and although it sounds simple (it’s just a case of opening doors to access another door and so forth) the complexities concerned over 35 levels have been baffling me, entertaining me and frustrating me in equal measures for some time now (any help for level 24 greatly appreciated but just a small clue please as I don’t want to feel I cheated)!

Temple Run, a treasure-hunting game, has been a massive hit for iPhone and in fact was so in demand by Android users that it caused mass annoyance when the Android release was delayed several times. Downloaded 40 million times on iOS, around 13 million people claim to play the game daily. Now it’s finally due out on Android on March 27, a whole new wave of people will no doubt shortly be addicted.

Now we’re wondering why it is so easy to become captivated by these apps? Is it really a case of nothing better to do? I’m not convinced by this argument at all as I always have plenty to do. However I do find for those odd five or ten minute intervals where I’m waiting somewhere or at the end of the day when I want to wind down before bed, then it’s great to be able to pick up my phone and get my daily fix. Maybe it’s the convenience of these mobile apps being so close to hand that makes them so compelling?

We’d really like to hear your say on this. Are you addicted to mobile apps and if so which one would you say grabs your attention the most? Why do you think that many of us now find apps so absorbing? Send your comments to let me know I’m not alone in my addiction.

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