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Droid Bionic Complaints: 4.3-inch Display Disappointment

The Motorola Droid Bionic is getting so much attention and so are we here at Phones review, looks like the confirmed screen size of this smartphone has disappointed a few people.

So far today we have received 468 emails, which we can only describe as complaints, they are not directed at us but more of a general disappointment that the Droid Bionic by Motorola will only have a 4.3-inch screen instead of the much wanted 4.5-inch.

Earlier on today Phones Review colleague James reported that the Droid Bionic would be released with a 4.3-inch qHD touchscreen display, it will also feature GSM/CDMA/UMTS/LTE basically meaning it is a world phone, the UMTS is limited to 2100 MHz only.

The Droid Bionic will also come with an inductive charging back; we will let you know more about this within the coming weeks. No official confirmation on release dates but is expected to be somewhere in September, prices and official specifications as of yet but we will let you know as soon as we know more.

Please let us know if you are disappointed that the Motorola Droid Bionic is releasing with a 4.3-inch display and not the first thought 4.5-inch. Be the first to comment below, thank you for your time. If you would like to see a few photos of the Droid Bionic please do so right here and here.

You can either comment below your answer, or simply use our poll system we have added below, just read the question and then click next to your answer.

Other than the Motorola Photon 4G, the Droid Bionic by Motorola on the Verizon network is the most anticipated mobile phone coming to the market, it is getting so much interest and we know that due to the volume of emails we receive each day.

Just a shame this mobile device is not coming to the United Kingdom, please stay with us as we will have plenty of information soon.

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