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iPhone 5 Announcement: It Will Out Class Rivals

The biggest thing in the mobile space at the moment is waiting for that all-important announcement from Apple as to just when the mobile world can expect the next generation iPhone to surface, but thus far Apple hasn’t said a word, which is good business for Apple as it always makes sure Apple gear remains firmly in the mobile limelight.

There isn’t a day that goes past without a mention of a rumour or speculation on the iPhone 5, but the general consensus is that the iOS smartphone will see release sometime next month with the 15th and 21st of October being touted. However once the iPhone 5 gets announced most believe it will out class rivals, but will it?

There has been much speculation over what the iPhone 5 will look like and what new features it will offer but nothing has been confirmed, but just recently speculation turns to the iPhone 5 not being that much different from the iPhone 4 albeit having an upgraded camera with speculation saying it may have a larger screen or may not, so basically everything with the iPhone 5 is guesswork at present.

No doubt whatever the iPhone 5 looks like and sports, the handset will undoubtedly be a massive success for Apple as the iOS faithful will quickly snap up the device no matter what, but there are a few challengers to the next generation iPhone out there or coming.

Soon the US will gain their versions of the Samsung Galaxy S II, which has to be seen as a worthy rival to the iPhone 5 especially if the iPhone 5 doesn’t offer that much more than the current iPhone 4, besides, Android will always be knocking at Apple door putting the pressure on.

Then there is of course the much anticipated first Android Ice Cream Sandwich smartphone, the Samsung Nexus Prime, or Google Nexus Prime whichever you wish to call it. The newest smartphone is expected to come out sometime in November, with Android Ice Cream Sandwich also making an appearance possibly in October or November as confirmed by Eric Schmidt.

There are also a few other Android devices on the horizon such as the HTC Holiday a 4G enabled smartphone with Android 2.3 Gingerbread and an 8 megapixel camera which is apparently one speedy device for AT&T, and as there are no signs of the iPhone 5 offering 4G connectivity perhaps the Holiday is another worthy rival.

Whatever the case, I’m sure the iOS faithful out there will back the iPhone 5 no matter what, and the Android faithful will come down on the side of any Android device, but if Apple hasn’t sufficiently upped their game with the iPhone 5 it could be in danger of being out classed by its rivals rather than out classing them.

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