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Gizmodo iPhone 4G Mayhem: Will Apple change design now?

As probably the whole mobile world is now aware, the guys over at Gizmodo outed just about everything to do with what was reportedly a lost or stolen iPhone 4G, which included numerous details, video coverage, pictures, and even dissected the highly secretive new iPhone which have since been spread across the internet.

Basically what started this particular round of iPhone 4G mayhem was an Apple software engineer by the name of Gray Powell got drunk and left the secret iPhone which was apparently disguised as an iPhone 3GS in a bar which was found and was tried to be returned but apparently couldn’t be so the highly sort after device ended up with the guys at Gizmodo.

Naturally the guys realised they had hold of a much talked about next generation iPhone prototype, so did what any good tech reporter would do, they posted the hell out of it to the public, and have received quite a bit of TV coverage in doing so. Apple wasn’t too pleased and immediately demanded the return of the device and sent Gizmodo a formal letter reclaiming said device.

There have now been reports that Apple may sue Gizmodo for being in possession of their iPhone 4G and for divulging “trade secrets” of the device, although it remains to be seen if Apple will indeed take formal legal action.

However, setting the possible legal consequences aside for a moment, another consequence of the iPhone 4G being prematurely outed to the pubic could be that Apple now makes some hasty changes to the design so they can reveal a newer iPhone when the time comes.

So, what do you think, will Apple change the design of the next generation iPhone now that the world has seen what it looks like?

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