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Wanting iOS 5 Release with Amazing Voice Assistant: Vote Now

There are many rumours floating around at the moment when it comes to Apple’s new iOS 5, the latest is all about the new “Voice Assistant” that will take voice control to a whole different level.

Phones Review colleague mentioned yesterday about the new iOS 5 “Voice Assistant” and it intrigued us, so we thought we would look into it a little more as well as asking you one vital question, be patient and read on please.

The new service is astonishing if all comes to light, the Voice Assistant feature allows the user to use their voice as an input, once this has been done it will automatically convert the users voice into an entry within iOS 5 reminders app.

9to5Mac reports that certain sources had details about such voice commands into the iOS 5, this is Star Trek coming to reality. OK enough of the sci-fi thoughts and back to business.

Basically in a nutshell and simple terms, the new Voice Assistant can convert language conversations into directions to certain places, reminders, Google Maps, or what about if I added a voice input such as “I have got a meeting with Phones Review colleague James and Daniel”, this will then convert and then ask me for a date and time, it could then ask me how I would like to contact James and Daniel.

I could ask, “How do I get to Excel Center in London”, once said it will promptly give current GPS location and then give me map directions. Can you now see why I used the word “Awesome” in the title above?

This is all possible with the new iPhone 5 with its new A5 processor and 1 GB of RAM, the iOS capabilities are endless, you could create say an iMessage or SMS message with voice control, speech-to-text at its best is what this will be.

I input voice Assistant with “I would like to set up a meeting with James”, it will then reply back “How would you like to contact James”, I then input via “Email”, voice assistant then asks “What email would you like to use”, I then reply with, this will automatically set up a meeting. Of course by reading it all here seems a little too much to do just to set up a meeting, but in reality to say the above by voice is so much quicker.

Anyway, one simple question “Would you like to see Voice Assistant within the new iOS 5?” Please vote below using our poll system. Thanks

The WWDC 2011 Event is expected to kick off October 4th, hopefully announcing the iPhone 5 and iOS 5, the iPhone 5 will hopefully feature 1GB of RAM, the dual-core A5 processor, Nuance speech-to-text, and an 8 megapixel camera and iOS 5 built-in. Expect Facebook and Twitter integration within iOS 5 once released.

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