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Can Samsung Galaxy S Become More Popular than iPhone 4?

We all know that at the moment the most popular smartphone available is the iPhone 4 despite having issues with the outside antenna, and the delay in the much sought after white iPhone 4, and the constant calls for a Verizon iPhone.

However, there may be a bit of a dark horse sitting on the sideline in the form of Samsung’s Galaxy S range of smartphones. Apple’s latest baby is of course just one handset as they can’t seem to push out the white version and constantly put off delivering a CDMA version for the Big Red.

Samsung on the other hand has the Samsung Galaxy S devices with all top US carriers such as the Samsung Vibrant on T-Mobile, Samsung Captivate on AT&T, the Samsung Fascinate soon to be on Verizon and of course the Samsung Epic 4G with Sprint.

The word is that Samsung managed to sell 1 million Galaxy S devices in 45 days of release, and that figure will undoubtedly grow. Obviously the iPhone and the abundance of Apple devotees out there have a huge start against Samsung’s devices, but given time, and if Apple continues to hold off pushing out what the public wants, Samsung Galaxy S devices may just possibly become more popular than the iPhone 4, what do you think?

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