
Find Events Near You: Lookup iPhone App

Looking for an event near you? Well you may want to take a little look at ‘Events Lookup’, the iPhone app that will help you look for events.

Events Lookup is a very good app and will allow you to find upcoming events and places of interest nearby or near any given location, this iPhone app features the ability of looking for events by categories, you can even look at featured events and view popular ones as well.

Main features Include: Check the events in a particular venue, add events to your watchlist or to a calendar, search for events using a start date and/or a search string, view your friend’s watchlist by selecting a contact name from the address book and invite you loving friends within the app as well.

Love the bit where you can shake the device and by doing this it will reload the events or venues, you can even use this feature to clear the search.

New Features Added: Add events to the calendar, see popular and featured events, see your friends watch lists, Improved user interface and add events to the watch list. If you already have this app installed on your Apple device please do let us know by sending in a personal review.

Via – iTunes

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