iPhone 3G PAYG coming later this year: Pay & Go not yet available
O2 wish to keep you all happy when it comes to the all new Apple iPhone 3G and yes they are trying their best.
The interest levels are soaring with many people signing to register their interests, the day is near and that day is July 11. Many of you on O2 are already receiving text messages saying you can upgrade right now for contract iPhone 3G.
The latest news over on the O2 Store states that the iPhone 3G PAYG or Pay & Go as O2 call it will NOT be available until later this year.
This is pretty disappointing, and we can see many of you hoping for the PAYG iPhone 3G sometime soon will be heart broken; late 2008 is when it will all happen. The O2 site says “will be available later this year.”
The device is now available to pre-order on the O2 website with “successful” orders being delivered by courier on the day of launch (contract only). The demand for this new phone will be very high indeed and one per customer is all they can offer, this is to be fair to all customers.
The 8GB iPhone “won’t cost you a penny” on the £45 and £75 tariffs, and its £99 on the £35 tariff and new £30 tariff.
Contract customers can pre-order now, but you must be aware that the O2 site is having problems. Just keep trying to upgrade and they will sort the problem sooner or later — Visit http://upgrades.o2.co.uk/maintenance.html
One thought on “iPhone 3G PAYG coming later this year: Pay & Go not yet available”
Please note that http://upgrades.o2.co.uk/maintenance.html is the URL O2 direct you to as a holder because the actual site is down, whoever wrote this article seems to think to get a new iphone you have to go to a maintenance page?? LOL
Just goto http://upgrades.o2.co.uk/ As thats where the link on the O2 website TRYS to send you before being redirected.