
Lycamobile to extend Tesco deal after hitting 5 Million subs

Apparently Lycamobile has now reached their target of 5 million subscribers over the 8 markets in which they operate and are planning to enter more markets through the rest of this year and 2010 reports mobile today.

Milind Kangle, CEO of Lycamobile has aid they are delighted to have crossed such a notable milestone with their brand, and that their customers have embraced the attractive promotions and great quality that is offered to their subscriber base.

Word is Lycamobile has now further extended their agreement with supermarket giant Tesco and Tesco is now to offer electronic top-ups across their network of some 2362 stores.


26 thoughts on “Lycamobile to extend Tesco deal after hitting 5 Million subs”

  1. Jade says:

    I bought the Lycamobile SIM card for £5 and then a £20 top-up from Tesco on Friday 26th March 2010. Until today Monday 29th, I still cannot make or receive any calls (local OR international). I rang customer service (CS) today, and they said they have been having network issues since Wednesday????? Just not good enough.

    Furthermore, the CS rep said they would return my call today and they didn’t.


    1. Sanjitkoul says:

      What u have written there is all Cr** . Fantastic rates and nothing to moan about !! I m changing to Lycamobile from one2 dial after 7 years !!! Worth it !!!!

  2. Malik says:

    Yeah I think the only reason to go to Lycamobile are the prices for international calls. Wouldn't ever rely on any kind of 'service' they promise. The promotional discounts (e.g. 10 quid extra with a 20 pound top-up voucher) sometimes work, sometimes not. Occasionally it's not possible to send a text message for no apparent reason. I am using one of the pre-'Plus' cards and am constantly bombarded, sometimes 3 o'clock in the morning, with advert texts to switch to a plus card. As that would mean that I'm losing my current number I certainly won't do that. The company seems to want to force people by taking away all discounts, such as free calls to other Lycamobile users, from the original sim cards. I guess they are trying to change the network provider, but with such methods, the only thing they will earn is anger and criticism.

  3. ebo says:

    1 word, completely useless. I still don't know how they managed to get a license to operate. Nothing works on their website , and their customer service don't have a clue how to do anything, they will just tell you to wait 24hrs and everything will be fine, you will the 24 hrs only to realise you were wasting your time because if you call them, another person will tell you to wait again.
    Do yourself a favour, there is another competitor -LEBARA,which is slightly more expensive but will save you a lot of headache. i DON'T KNOW WHAT i was thinking when i switched from them to this 1, they couldn't even port my number!

  4. PETER M ENEBE says:

    Need the 10 pound extra free credit after the top up of 20 pounds.I bought a top up for 20 pounds, as a result of lyca leaflets at a till in TESCO ,Harlow Essex ,Edinburgh way.The leaflets has in them ' Get £10 FREE credit when you top up £20.And FREE CREDIT up to £10 FREE every time you top up.I made my complaint , and was told ,that it was for the month of may.Laughable! Is'nt it.!! Alternatively she says,I should write to 'cs@lycamobile.co.uk to retrive the remaining £10.Please credit the £10 to the nr 00447404264074 or else I will go for the return of my £20.LYCA have failed me before on my previous nr.THIS TIME , I AM AS MAD AS HELL!!! I bought the said TOP UP on the 01/09/2010 at 20;37.

  5. Blazo says:

    This service is excellent when working well, but useless when it is not. I stupidly fell for the £20 credit deal that offers an additional £10 credit. The service worked perfectly for about 2 months to a destination that was originally priced at 7p/min. Without notice, the rate was automatically changed to 21p/min. My advice is, 1. DO NOT credit large amounts of money to this service, as it is very unreliable and very deceptive,
    2.Always check their going call rates/prices before making any call, as their prices change without notice.

    I am no longer a Lycamobile network customer, but i am now back to the good old Post Office International calling service that is more reliable and transparent. Remember, there is nothing for free nowadays, but there is a catch to the free addational £10 offered by Lycamobile after spending £20 worth of credit. It is simply a strategy to get you spending more than necessary.

    Attempts to make a complaint to Lycamobile has been a waste of time. I just wonder why big companies like Tesco are linked to such an unreliable mobile service. It's shocking.

  6. mohamed says:

    iam one of the greatest customer of lycamobile after olong time of beng customer i decided to became lyca scrach card saller so far i have over 70 customer plz consider my text and tell me the easiest way that i can start that

  7. luke michael says:

    Be careful of calling anyone with a Lyca mobile. You cannot use your free minutes to call as in my case I called from my T-mobile and was charged £10 for about a 30 minute call. When I called T-mobile they said that Lyca use an indirect number which accounts for me being charged. They then told me the Lyca prefixes as below. Yet another ripp off exposed.
    Lyca prefix: 07404, 07405, 07417, 07424, 07438, 07440, 07466

  8. Anonymous says:

    I am using lycamobile for past 8 months, I never had problem with the charges as I often visit their website for the updates. Am happy with the customer services as they are helpul and relaiable

  9. Anonymous says:

    Great call rates when compared with other companies. It is of great use whenever i comeback to UK from my home town for my business purpose. If you and your partner have same Lycamobile sims its free as they never charge for text messages and calls between Lyca numbers. For charges update you can call the customer service and they have crystal clear updates on their website. I got my 10% free credit when i topped up for 10 £, am happy with their network and customer service

  10. Anonymous says:

    Great call rates when compared with other companies. It is of great use whenever i comeback to UK from my home town for my business purpose. If you and your partner have same Lycamobile sims its free as they never charge for text messages and calls between Lyca numbers. For charges update you can call the customer service and they have crystal clear updates on their website. I got my 10% free credit when i topped up for 10 £, am happy with their network and customer service

  11. Anonymous says:

    Great call rates when compared with other companies. It is of great use whenever i comeback to UK from my home town for my business purpose. If you and your partner have same Lycamobile sims its free as they never charge for text messages and calls between Lyca numbers. For charges update you can call the customer service and they have crystal clear updates on their website. I got my 10% free credit when i topped up for 10 £, am happy with their network and customer service

  12. Anonymous says:

    Hey have been using lyca for past three months, yes I agree that their offers change however updates are available in their website and purchasing a pay as you go i don’t expect more. They have also introduced home account dialing using the credit on your lycamobile you can place calls on landline with the help of a pin no provided handy, have not cme across similar service elsewhere and my elderly mom uses this service to call overseas without the hazel of using mobile phone

  13. Anonymous says:

    Lycamobile service stands for their quality, the network connections are good without any interference. Its been couple of months since i have taken this service now i realise that i have made a mistake without choosing lycamobile in my previous days which would have been much more helpful.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I have gone through their service, lyca is pretty good and their customer service is pretty helpful. Must agree that i have received the service i had expected from lyca. I had been with most of the operators and now finally settled with lyca as their call rates are cheap and network is good, naturally I did have problems on couple of occasions, i emailed their helpdesk and did get a response quite soon. Am happy with their service!!

  15. Anonymous says:

    I have gone through their service, lyca is pretty good and their customer service is pretty helpful. Must agree that i have received the service i had expected from lyca. I had been with most of the operators and now finally settled with lyca as their call rates are cheap and network is good, naturally I did have problems on couple of occasions, i emailed their helpdesk and did get a response quite soon. Am happy with their service!!

  16. Alli says:


    FINGER WEG VON LYCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ALLES BETRUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     NIEMAND KRIEG BONUS UND RICHTIGE LOHN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. mustafa says:


  18. Fatima says:

    Guten Tag
    Wer kann mir helfen?
    Ich habe vor kurze zeit neu karte gekauf von Lycamobile aber Internet funktioniert  nicht!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ich habe viell leute gefragt -alle sagen gleich MIT DIESE ANBIETER INTERNET KLAPPT NICHT!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also Ich warne Euch !!!!!!!!!
    Grusse Fatima

  19. Asad abbas says:

    hallo ich bin abbas ich habe gearbeitet mit lyca 4 monet lang ich sage lyca ist allaleste dreck ist ich habe gesprucken mit händler wegen auflade bounes und meine händler hat aufgeladet 0 euro sim karte wie verukt wegen 1euro bonus aba nie mant hat gekrikt bonus weil zuständiege leute von lyca max str 3 berlin wedding hat umgeschrieben die sim karten off eigner name und kasien selba das auflade bonus….betrug wenn man will ich kann beweisen . betruga sind tipon und nantha von lycamobile max str 3 berlin wedding 

  20. Mustafa 510 says:

    achtung!! achtung!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Vorsicht von Lyca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ich habe eine laden und Habe  Lyca  karten  verkauft aber Ich habe ganz grosse stress
    Kunden kommen zu mir mit beschwerde -keine bonus und preis stimmt nicht
    Viell aufgeladet  O euro karten aber bis jetz nicht 1 cent gesehn(über eine mitarbeiter von Lyca Herr Abbas ,Er hat verucht die sache zu klären aber ohne erfolg er kann nicht machen wenn die Firma betrug ,bonus shop  listen  zustandige leute schriben um auf egnere  namen also nie 1 cent kriege Ich !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


  21. turan says:

    gutten tag ich bin gescheftfeürer von 15 internet caffees und spätkaufs lädens in berlin ich habe gemacht gescheft mit lycamobile bis um get nicht mea.meine jeda laden hat aufgeladet 0 euro sim karten ohne ende wegen 1euro bonus.meine jeda laden hat aufgeladet in 4moneten minesten 1500 karten aba ich habe ga keine bonus gekriekt troresh.ich habe zustendige leute von lycamobile max strasse 3a berlin wedding gespruchen und sie haben mich gesagt du leügst.dan ich habe raus gekriekt sie schreiben um die shop listen of eigener leute namen und krieken sie selba auflade bonus…..dink dran wi viel meine gild sie haben ge frest.ich weis schuld  sid tipan und nantha.jetz auch  verkufe ich lyca aba nicht zum geld verdienen.ich verkufe lyca zum kaput machen.achtung achtung achtung achtung achtung achtung von lycamobile.ich gleube lyca leute von england sind auch gleische schweine wie in berlin max strasse.ich habe zeuge und beweise.                                                                                                                  internet caffe und spätkauf                                                                                                                       gotzkowsky str 36                                                                                                               10555 berlin

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