
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 not getting Windows Mobile 6.5

If you own a Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 smartphone running Windows Mobile 6.1 and have been patiently waiting and wondering when Sony Ericsson will get around to pushing out a Windows Mobile 6.5 update for the handset, apparently you can now stop wondering.

According to a report by Cnet Asia, speaking with a spokesperson from Sony Ericsson, said spokesperson confirmed that the Sony Ericsson XPEIA X1 will not be officially updated to Windows Mobile 6.5.

So there it is, no Windows Mobile 6.5 for the XPERIA X1 which will now just have to stay at 6.1 unless you opt for installing an unofficial Windows Mobile 6.5 on your handset.

Although, many feel that not getting Windows Mobile 6.5 isn’t that much of a big deal as the XPERIA X1’s Windows Mobile 6.1 still has access to the most important stuff such as Windows Marketplace and My Phone backup, and 6.5 only really offers a few interface tweaks.


2 thoughts on “Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 not getting Windows Mobile 6.5”

  1. Sujith Jay says:

    Been a loyal SE user for the last ten years… Think the X1 is going to be my last. This device has a faulty antenna issue no proper software support…. sucks big time.

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