
HTC Magic Android 2.2 Vodafone Update: Problems & Reviews

The HTC Magic Android 2.2 aka Froyo update is now available thanks to Vodafone, we all know that this mobile phone is a little old now but many users have been waiting on the new OS update.

Vodafone still decided to roll out the new Android 2.2 update, wonder if they will go far enough to bring out the big old Gingerbread at a later date for this handset.

According to TechWatch Vodafone posted on its forum that the upgrade is now available and we would love to hear from all you HTC Magic users how the upgrade went, did you have any problems or did it run smoothly?

All owners of the handset will receive notification of the new update if you have not all ready, this update is recommended to be downloaded using Wi-Fi and not 3G because it is a large one, always best to use Wi-Fi as this will save you potentially getting charged for over data use.

Please do backup your device before downloading, the new Android 2.2 upgrade will give you a few enhancements and features such as the latest Gmail, Android Market clients, improvements for the Bluetooth and camera functionality, ability to save applications direct to an SD card and support for USB tethering.

Once again please do send us comments covering problems etc, your reviews are very important.


73 thoughts on “HTC Magic Android 2.2 Vodafone Update: Problems & Reviews”

  1. Chris says:

    I just got the message that the update was available and I accepted. The phone started downloading and then it restarted but the nothing has changed. The version is still 1.6 & when I look for updates it says it is up to date. Ummmmmm

  2. crs says:

    since updating my phone i haven't been able to access my menu, the layout looks better but i cant do anything with my phone because of my problem with the menu. its stupid! 🙁 can anyone help?

  3. Hannah says:

    I updated my HTC Magic to 2.2 today. The upgrade was very smooth – no problems at all – and I love love love the new functionality. Been waiting a long time since the last upgrade, it's definitely worth it.

    1. ANdres says:

      Go to dialer and type *#*#checkin#*#*
      You should receive a notification "chekin succeded". Restar the phone and got to settings > About phone > System updates. It should be downloading.

  4. acdrock says:

    Okay – no major problems so far. Upgraded email no problems and the whole thing is slicker. Not got my WiFi working yet but that could be local not update specific. You now get 5 screens not 3 but I prefer my old clock!

  5. pickett says:

    There is two parts to this update after first one nothing will change then the second changes all you ever new of the magic complete revamp of the menus. plus something called car mode and also voice to text for messaging

  6. Spencer says:

    Hey got my update this morning had to download without wifi as i was at work. The update took a bit of time but then all new settings were set, looks very slick and the graphics look clearer. Had to restart my phone as the home page would not load any of my downloaded apps but since then its quality. Had a play around with the new zoom on the camera which is excellent and now i can zoom in on all web pages and photos using my fingers been waiting for this function for ages.

    Overall well pleased with the update.

  7. James Butler says:

    yday turned on my magic after reading about the 2.2 update as i have now have a wildfire and turned on wifi without putting my sim in and within 1 minute it said update available. It then said this update is within in two parts with the first now and the 2nd within hours of this 1st one. That was yday afternoon and now at midnight the next day after the phone being on constantly and even putting my sim in from my wildfire nothing else has happened after the first part was downloaded yday.

    Firmware is still at 1.6 and when i check it says "your system is currently up to date"

  8. adamwillis says:

    Hey got my update this morning had to download without wifi as i was at work. The update took a bit of time but then all new settings were set, looks very slick and the graphics look clearer. Had to restart my phone as the home page would not load any of my downloaded apps but since then its quality. Had a play around with the new zoom on the camera which is excellent and now i can zoom in on all web pages and photos using my fingers been waiting for this function for ages.

  9. Sweet! Totally wasn't expecting an upgrade to 2.2 on this ol' phone. It does look much slicker, it's only just finished installing but I reckon it could give my trusty companion a new lease of life 😉

    So far I've not had any problems running it on the Magic. It took a couple of minutes to 'settle down' – at first no apps were showing in the menu, swiping the home screen didn't switch screens very smoothly – but after that it's been running nice.

  10. Nige says:

    Downloaded OK and it looks great. Only trouble is my phone keeps freezing up and restarting. It is pretty hard to do anything because it keeps locking up

  11. mikewoodhouse says:

    First update came yesterday afternoon, then the second – which as reported above actually applied 2.2 – late in the evening.

    Seems to have settled down nicely now. Immediate impression, following the Test score updates on the train this morning, was that it seemed to be able to maintain a 3G connection better. Could be subjective, but I'm used to seeing frequent switching between 3G/G/E on my normal journey.

    Now I'm trying to remember which 2.2-only apps I'd wanted and given up on…

  12. Ok, going by my experience, these instructions should help…..
    After the first download you need to reboot your phone, but it will still look the same and still say it is 1.6.
    Then after the second update, reboot again. You will see 2.2 but it will still be a bit flaky and you will not see any apps on the menu.
    You will need to completely turn the phone off and back on again for the 2.2 upgrade to completely work fully, after that it should be sweet!

  13. John says:

    Update happened yesterday in two parts. The first update seemed small and was done quite quickly over 3G as I was driving. Froyo (2.2.1) installed over wifi when I got home. It all went very well and it seems more stable than Donut (1.6).

  14. Antz says:

    updated mine in auckland NZ ,incially it was pretty slow,but now systems up and running fine. its a tad slower than 1.6 but its awsome! gotta love voice activated GPS 🙂

  15. Nikki McQuaid says:

    Got my new update today is lots better but where is the rest of my downloads that I did'nt keep on my home page can anyone help me I've swtiched off and back on but has made no difference.

  16. Sam says:

    Well mine's not working at all. The new update is installed and i cannot access anything like emails or texts. It is constantly lagging, freezing or restarting. Often when unlocked there is nothing on the screen other than the background image. Not handy when i need to use my phone!

    1. Pixielou says:

      how have you fixed it i have had same problem and is not a good thing when i was stuck in the snow absolutely miles away with no means of contacting people!!! ARGH!!!

  17. James Butler says:

    update- today the 2nd part arrived and looks good. The Magic has a new lease of life, just wish it had the Sense interface though. Think i will stick wth the Wildfire i purchased while i gave up hope on the Magic ever getting any update even though the screen res on the Wildifre is ridiciuous, really lets it down bigtime

  18. farookh says:

    disaster; got message to update; loaded part 1; then phone swithced itself off and now wont restart; ded as a dodo! cannot even do hard reset with key combo; help!!!

  19. Emma says:

    Got my update today. Looks great, but I can't actually do anything! The phone is now far too slow to open up any of the applications (I'm talking basic contacts or Google maps) and, worst of all, I can't get to my text messages. All I see is a blank screen.

  20. Jay says:

    Well, downloaded the update today – although there was no mention on my handset of it being in 2 parts – and it has completely screwed my phone! Very sluggish, messages and email not opening, lots of force closing and restarting without warning. Very annoying, anyone else having these problems or suggest any quick fixes?

  21. Update for my HTC Magic on Vodafone went through fine this morning, except all of a sudden my sd card is not recognised…

    It says: Removed SD Card after I took it out and put it back in.

    I remember partitioning the card to have a linux swap drive on it. Not sure what the other file system is (fat, fat32, ext3), but I didn't have problems with it before. Not sure if the swap partition had any effect on the phone's performance.

    Anyhow is there a way I can format the SD card on my HTC Magic if the card is not recognised?

  22. IanJones says:

    I click install, the Phone turns off then back on to the Vodafone red start-up screen, then nothing! It just stays stuck on this screen until it eventually switches itself off! Can anyone please help? : (

  23. Simon says:

    I had 2 updates to take from 1.6 to 2.2. Both downloaded over 3G OK and then offered to install, as I was not aware this was coming – had given up looking and was examining the community 2.x build for the Magic.

    ES Explorer, Sipdroid, and Documents to Go all survived the update.

    Vodafone have not added too many Vodafone icons so please with the update. Only negative is the the new analogue clock on the homepage not as nice as the 1.6 one

  24. Carol says:

    Got the update this morning, and it's looking good, Love the Google speech ability. Like the layout and way it looks. Then – I got in my car with bluetooth switched on, and my cars bluetooth system normally finds my phone automatically….after update – NO. so now have to fiddle to sort that out. Not happy about that,

  25. Emma says:

    I commented yesterday (although it hasn't appeared yet), but I just wanted to add that my updates eventually settled in – it took about 12 hours – but now it's brilliant. Everything about the update is great. My text messages work again and there are so many new functions I don't know where to start!

  26. I got the update on Wednesday. Took a ruddy age but 100% well worth it. If anything, I think that my HTC Magic is actually running smoother than before. I really like it. The new functions are kick ass. I'll have to agree with acdrock and say the new clock is gross.

    It's nice to be able to install a wider selection of apps now (including the official twitter app etc) Finally I don't feel left out with everyone being on Android 2.2

  27. Lisa says:

    My phone has ground to a halt after the upgrade. Apps keep force-closing (including the launcher, the settings etc), EVERY action lags (sometimes for a few minutes), and everything is just so painfully slow that my phone is pretty much unusable now. I've tried to remove unused apps, to stop extra services from running, and I've tried restarting a few times. No luck yet. Will keep trying.

  28. Asser says:

    Update was received over 2 messages and 3 or 4 restarts till reaching out safely v2.2.1. I do admire how they have done the upgrade without losing any data and with almost no user intervention. (since I work in IT). The first looks are VERY impressive, but after using it for a day, you would find it sometimes hanging. I did delete almost all applications to free up memory, which helped a Lot. But still it sometimes freezes. Overall, it is responding better than previously, but battery seems to be worse, donno maybe I need to test again. One important thing of v2.2.1 that you can move apps to the SD memory to free the main memory. Not sure if this can be done automatically instead of one by one move.

    It was a loooooong wait from Vodafone.. but they were pretty smart to do it just before XMAS as a XMAS present. Thanks Vodafone.

  29. SteveB says:

    Updated my HTC Magic yesterday and its really slow and I cannot make phonecalls or receive texts. Took it into the vodafone store and they said I would need to send it off for repair. Be careful with this update!

  30. Mel says:

    No problem with install but the battery life has been halved, it won't even last a day.Help!
    I have tried switching all apps off still rubbish battery life.
    I did accept the google gps maps knowing your whereabouts ,could this be the problem?

    1. Rick says:

      Battery life is so bad. Mine used to last 3 to 4 days on standby but now it lasts less than a day! I have done a hard reset and got the phone back to factory settings with no improvement. What is going on? I love the new look but the new battery life is just not acceptable. Help!

      1. JuanMa says:

        It happens to me too. Before my battery runs for two days and know I have to charge it twice for day. Does anyone know what is going on??? I wanna call Vodafone and talk to them.

        But if anyone want to share his/her experience, please…

  31. Frank Norman says:

    Not sure if I missed the info about the update being in two parts. My update went thru and was surprised to then get another update. It seemed to make things go a bit crazy, freezing all the time. It's a bit better now, but still slow. I had hoped ten upgrade would sort outcall the freezing and force closing but it seems not.

    Looking forward to end of my contract in Feb!

  32. nwando(nigeria) says:

    I totally love the new update but my phone is practically useless now. Takes forever for my menu to open, everything keeps force closing,my apps are very slow, I can’t do anything with my phone,it won’t stop restarting,I hate my phone now.Help!!!

  33. Fancyagalaxytabme says:

    Yep, all pretty standard stuff, eperienced much the same. I must say that it is a big improvement. Shame about the lack of native wifi hotspot support that I though was in Froyo. Does anyone kow if there any apps that could install this feature, or would that require a rooted phone which may invalidate the warranty? Mind you the vodafone/HTC warranty has more holes than a certain Swiss fromage.

  34. DBolton says:

    Upgraded without any problems. After install, phone started to run incredibly slowly and when widgets were added to the blades they just killed the phone. Had it set up with the dictionary word of the day, facebook, market place, bbc news and youtube widgets and to scroll through screens i had to use the adv. task killer app to kill all apps before i was able to. I even had to kill them before accessing the menu. The upgrade has also disabled the ability to access media on my memory card and the camera always crashes when opened. The phone is not powerful enough to run fully on this version of android.

  35. Hanlega says:

    The upgrade came in two parts which was a little confusing at first – perhaps some communication from Vodafone as to what was about to happen would have been nice (perhaps it was on the net somewhere?). The second part, which upgraded the Magic to 2.2, was a real and very welcome surprise. Lots of new features that I am still finding. Despite the slow processor it seems pretty responsive. Batteries seem to drain quite quickly initially but after turning the phone off and giving it a full charge I am now finding that it lasts longer than before. No problems with seizing or crashing but does occasionally take a while to draw the icons on the main screen after exciting a complex programme. Bluetooth connectivity does not seem to have improved but I am still investigating this (I am assuming a firmware upgrade is needed). Was thinking of upgrading my Magic to a Desire but will stay as I am now. Thanks Vodafone.

  36. Vix says:

    since i update my htc, the battery has been draining very quickly. i used to only have to charge the phone every other day!! nowt i have to charge it at least twice a day, and im not even using it that much. a few call or text and its flat!! went into the vodafone shop and they were useless, any ideas??

    1. Tin Tin says:

      Hi, Exactly the same as mine, Infact I would say it is unusable… Battery only lasts about 4 hours between charge. I used to get vetween 2-3 days on the battery. I have found no cure, I can't even root my phone. Vodafone has us by the short and curlies I feel. Have you had any success prolonging battery life ??

      1. Nick says:

        My battery life is basically ok until i turn on bluetooth for a car journey. When i turn off bluetooth at the end of the journey the battery level is still good. An hour later the battery is dead. My conclusion: Bluetooth is still draining the battery even after it has been switched off.

  37. Alex says:

    New update is an absolute disaster. It's slowed up my whole phone to the point where i'm having to in between letters when typing a text. Freezing, force closing, huge time lags. Is there any way to uninstall it???? My phone's a bit pointless now

  38. Andyd96 says:

    The update itself was fine. And things look good – when its working. But everything is so painfully slow. Freezing up whilst opening apps, dreadfully slow when doing anything. Been close to chucking out the window its become so frustrating.

    Can i get it downgraded – it worked brilliantly before!!

  39. Marc says:

    This update is a dissaster!
    After initial updating I was like a happy child. Run very well with all the apps and no problem in losing any data. Was very impressed. Than force closea, app crashing and phone reboots started. After hard reset and minimal app reinstall it even seems worse. The phone practically useless now. One month over the standard warranty! The only thing to do is to root it now, which I was never able to do because the necessary drivers for the ADK are not working, on 3 different PC’s. Arghhhh….so frustrated. Thanks Vodafone!
    Somebody any suggestion?

  40. Maddie says:

    Having the same experience – phone is constantly freezing more so when it is charging than not. Yesterday I received a phone call I could not answer, and even after the call had gone through to voicemail it kept ringing and vibrating which I could only stop by removing the battery. Would love to remove the upgrade and return my phone to relative normallacy – unless anyone has any solution they can offer.

  41. gracy says:

    I did a system update the other day, now when I turn on my phone, its says SD card updating and then straight away, SD card safe to remove. My phone is recogniseing its there but it looks like it wont accept it on the phone anymore. Please help, all my music and photos which were very important to me were on that sd card.

    Also, it won’t let me take pictures or videos because it doesn’t think there’s an SD card in there. 🙁

  42. John Lee says:

    Got the update. Cannot see much of benefit to be honest. I don't like the new Start screen and I have no need of five screens. The biggest problem is that the phone used to perform okay but now it is so slow that it feels like everything has frozen and the other problem that hits completely at random is that it literally wipes out your battery in about five hours with no use, no data, no bluetooth or wireless. Everything turned off and the battery loses 20% an hour without even using it. To me it is a big disappointment and I cannot see any benefits whatsoever. I am a very light user, maybe one or two short calls a day and about two or three texts a week. I don't use the internet as the text is too small and it is far too slow. I used to like the phone but now it is next to useless as there is no guarantee that it will work when you want it to.

  43. Davy says:

    I have had huge problems with my Magic as well since it updated. The phone is very very, slow, taking a good 15-30 seconds to load the home screen. Similar load times for messaging and phone apps as well. In addition when I plug my phone into my computer via USB, it no longer gives me the option to mount my SD card as a mass storage device.
    WTF? Seems like a really buggy update, either that or the phone just isn't powerful enough to handle it. In which case they should have released for the phone at all.

    1. Shannon says:

      Same as Davy, except USB mounting (and tethering) can be brought back by rebooting the phone.
      The phone just does not have enough processing power to effectively run the features (and many apps) now available with version 2.2
      I do like the new features and I guess I will tolerate the lag until my contract runs out, then I'll likely get another HTC though make sure it packs a stronger punch.

  44. adrian graham says:

    i was downloading something when the update happened. i thought it was just the application that i was downloading. my phone restarted and to my surprise a new look ofmy phone. i tried all applcations. my camera is not working my gallery is not opening. always showing “force closed” and loading new albums and photos. waited for an hour still the same. made a hard reset but nothing happened other than erasing all my applications. CAN YOU MAKE ANOTHER RE-RUN OF OTA IT MIGHT FIX THE PROBLEM. htc magic vodafone. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER RE-RUN OF ANDROID 2.2.1 thru OTA. TNX

  45. Matt says:

    I too have suffered lots of problems on my magic since this update. After enduring it for months I finally put in a call to the dreaded Indian Call Centre at Vodafone. They suggested that there was a hardware problem with my phone and I needed to take it back to a Vodafone shop to get it repaired. I did this the next day and the guy in the Vodafone Shop advised me that the HTC Magic handest cannto cope with Android 2.2 and lots of people had complained. He also said that there was nothing he could do to help. Not happy with this response I email Vodafone Customer Complaints who have now provided me with an early upgrade to HTC Desire HD without any additional cost. I had to argue with them but they came good in the end. I do not believe they should have rolled out 2.2 onto hardware that does not support it!

  46. Madison says:

    i had this phone around a year or 2 ago and then i changed to a blackberry. today i wanted to start using the magic again because my blackberry was playing up however i cant because i am unaware of my PUK code, anyways as of now im using wifi. BUT i want the new software and when i go to update it it says fully updated but clearly its not because im on software 1.6!!

    1. Mattias Niens says:

      I have te same problam as you. i buyed the magic yesterday. stupid iknow. But i don’t know the version of the android was 1.6. i want tot update the android system but i don’t know how 🙁

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