
Rome, Nov 25: The EMEA BlackBerry Alliance Summit 2009

The next big event in BlackBerry Maker Research In Motion’s events calendar is the EMEA Alliance Summit 2009, and apparently said summit is to be held on the 25th of November in Roma, Italy reports an article over on Crackberry.

The EMEA Alliance Summit 2009 is basically for Alliance members to get together and chat about all the latest innovations, tools and the like coming out of Research In Motion and deliver some insight into where said tech is heading.

Not only is there a social networking element to the summit but also leads the way to opening discussion over the BlackBerry Alliance program offerings and look at how things may be improved in the future.

Apparently one of the highlights of the summit is The EMEA BlackBerry Innovation Awards. So basically a BlackBerry get together to slap each other on the back, have a few drinks, some munchies, and finish off with a few awards for innovative and compelling services and products delivered to end users.

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