
Verizon ETF Troubling says FCC

As you may know, the FCC is looking into Verizon Wireless’s rather high $350 Early Termination Fee, and the FCC recently contacted Verizon asking for explanations. Well apparently Verizon has responded, and the FCC doesn’t seem to be too pleased.

According to an article over on engadget, Mignon Clyburn, a member of the five person commission has sent off a letter in reply to Verizon’s response concerning the ETF on “advanced devices.”

Basically Clyburn has said she has found Verizon’s answers “unsatisfying and in some cases troubling,” and says that customers are all ready paying high monthly fees, and believes that public interest isn’t being served by this high ETF.

Clyburn also states that “I look forward to exploring this issue in greater depth with my colleagues in the New Year.”…Looks like Verizon may be facing a bit of trouble from the FCC come the New Year then.

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