Virgin Mobile new Self-Service Activation Technology: Buy a phone not to chat!
Virgin Mobile USA cool Telespree Communications Self-Service Activation Technology apparently means in easy terms of speaking, over the air activation will eliminate manual programming of phone which in return makes it much more easier to use and very convenient in the way of a consumer solution.
Yeah right, can it, will it all be good? Does this mean that all you new to be customers will be able to spend less time on the blower with someone like say company represensitives?
Well it looks that way thanks to MVNO’s deployment of Telespree’s over-the-air provisioning technology. This new high tech set up means it now requires no humans (See you later jobs) from the beginning to the end for both you the customer and upgrades as well.
Get this, you go and buy you phone so that you can talk away till your heart is content for this new system which means you do not have to chat. Funny that.
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