
All Apple iPhone users connected says Carphone Warehouse

Globally the new Apple iPhone has passed the million sales mark within a week yet customers are still harassed by problems registering their new handsets. Many realised their new iPhone was not receiving any signal still four days after purchase, and many point the finger firmly in Apple’s direction.

We all know of the problems that doffed the Apple iPhone 3G launch, the shortages, the computer crash which saw many customers irate and extremely unhappy , and many had to have their registration details taken down manually.

However, according to Carphone Warehouse, four days on and all Apple iPhone 3G customers have now been successfully connected.

A Carphone Warehouse spokesperson states: “On what was the busiest day in the company’s history, 97 per cent of our customers were connected successfully. We’re disappointed this wasn’t 100 per cent but we subsequently resolved the issue and all iPhone customers have now been connected.”

The problems with the iPhone 3G was global are thought to be the result of the system being overloaded due to so many customers registering at the same time.

An O2 spokeswoman offered: as these are new problems “were not directly related” to the previous crash and the majority of iPhone’s that were affected were purchased through The Carphone warehouse.

Source — mobilenewscwp


4 thoughts on “All Apple iPhone users connected says Carphone Warehouse”

  1. Mark says:

    Connected maybe, but working properly. I think not! my visual voicemail still is’nt working. it refuses to use the 3G network and to top it off i’ve been told by O2 that i’m still on my old taffif.

    this is officially the worst launch i’ve ever seen, both Apple and O2 are a joke if they think this was sucessful.

  2. Darren says:

    The spokesman is a liar. I have preordered mine from the carphonewarehouse and still on july 17th i have no service on my iphone 3g? any help?

  3. Tom says:

    Nevermind acticvation I still haven’t received mine!!

    I went to the CPW store on Low Rd, Leeds launch day, got there about midday. I was told by Dave none in stock but could order for pick up next day from the store (extra £15). This guy also took my house number separate so he could ring if there was a problem.

    There was no phone call so I assumed no problems.

    Went into the store Saturday morning and was informed by Dave it had not yet arrived. When I asked Dave why the response was ‘I’m afraid I don’t know but it should be here on Monday’

    So I go to the store late Monday and see this same guy Dave again. Still no phone and now informed me that the stock should arrive Thursday or Friday.

    Not arrived today (Thursday) and I really doubt it will arrive tomorrow, but I still hope…

    All through this ordeal I never received an apology.

    Not bad since I signed up for what will eventually cost me £800.

    Carphone Warehouse is a total and utter disgrace.

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