
Google Android goes it alone and not for Limo Foundation

The word coming from Google is that their Android mobile operating system has plans to join with the growing group of Linux companies in the LiMo Foundation.

Group marketing manager for Google Android, Eric Chu, has said that there is no interest in lending the Google Android name to the Linux Mobile Foundation in an attempt to standardize mobile middleware.

At the LinuxWorld conference in San Francisco, Chu said: “Unification for the sake of unification is not the path we decided to go down. In the end, what matters most is what consumers are looking for. But having too many people on the design phase, especially early on, would have hurt the project. You could have three different user interfaces and a couple of application layers. That doesn’t make sense.”

Google is at the moment testing its Android software for release under the Apache free-software and open source license sometime later this year.

Source — information week

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