
iPhone Pwnage tool 2.0.3 released

If you are trying to improve the performance of your iPhone, well the iPhone Development Team have announced that Pwnage version 2.0.3 is now available as an update via build-in-updater. This update adds support for iPhone/iPod firmware 2.0.2 5C1, contains an updated version of Installer.app beta, and new .de localization for people in Germany.

Also a new Windows version of QuickPwn ‘150 beta tool is out but as usual Mac version will follow shortly. The GUI has been improved in this update and has fixed YouTube and BootNeuter support for the 2G iPhone.

As always I never want to be the first to update to the new software so if you have, let us if it has improved the performance of your iPhone or caused you any problems.

Source: engadgetmobile

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