
Video: Nokia N97 vs. HTC Touch Pro2 Smackdown

Today we bring you a video smackdown challenge between to smartphone giants courtesy of daily mobile, and is the video of the Nokia N97 vs. HTC Touch Pro2.

The Nokia N97 HTC Touch Pro2 smackdown video can be located below for your viewing pleasure and last almost 10 great smackdown minutes and delivers a good comparison between these two smartphone giants.

The video take us through 12 rounds of comparison between the two handsets, so who comes out the winner, well you’ll have to check out the video to find out…enjoy.


5 thoughts on “Video: Nokia N97 vs. HTC Touch Pro2 Smackdown”

  1. John Sanchez says:

    A very nice Comp.
    I especially like the way it play out to the Phone that I want to have put the GunShot to my Wallet.
    John Sanchez

  2. JJ says:

    How come you didnt compare the GPS and extra stuff? are those not important for you to compare? i’m sure Nokia will win if you compare all the extra stuff that bad boy comes with.

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