
Objectionable content Apple app complaints flood in

Complaints continue to flood in over Apple’s so called saucy apps, this has not just stopped at the ban on the Wobble iboob and has now been extended to over 5,000 other apps.

The strange thing really is that this objectionable content was fine up until now. Apple have said that they are responding to complaints from users, and that a number of developers have submitted an increasing number of apps which contain objectionable content.

It is that clear though what is actually meant by objectionable content, as we know Apple already have an age rating system in place. Most of the complaints seem to have come from women who have found some of the content degrading and objectionable.

Developers are a little disgruntled by this and be fair who can really blame them, some finding going from making a healthy living to a big fat zero. Google’s Android Ecosystem also frowns upon adult content but takes a softer approach to enforcement. There is currently an app available on the Android market called AndWobble which is identical to the Wobble iboob and it’s still there. Source – pocket-lint.com

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