
Amazon Sale Offers AT&T Phones from 1 Cent

If you are in the market to pick up a mobile phone on the AT&T network now may be a good time to hit up Amazon Wireless. Why? Because Amazon Wireless has now places all AT&T handsets on its site on sale.

According to an article over on the Boy Genius Report by Zach Epstein, Amazon Wireless is actually offering AT&T feature phones and smartphones for as low as one cent, and furthermore newly released Windows Phone 7 handsets from AT&T such as the HTC Surround are also included in the sale.

Here are just a few of the choices of AT&T handsets available for 1 cent…HTC Surround, Samsung Captivate, BlackBerry Torch, Motorola Backflip, Motorola Flipout, Motorola Charm,, Motorola Bravo, LG Quantum, the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus, all at just 1 cent.

Word is the Amazon Wireless AT&T sale runs right through until Monday the 15th of November, although those sale prices still require the purchaser to sign on for a 2 year term, but apparently Amazon Prime members will also have the activation fee quashed during the sale period.

So who’s for hitting up Amazon Wireless and grabbing a new smartphone or feature phone for just a cent?


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