
Palm Pre Heading to AT&T in May Suggest FCC Filing

A forum member over at precentral has done a bit of snooping at the FCC, basically taking a gander at the files of O8F which is better known as Palm. Apparently the forum member noticed a model with an FCC ID of O8F-CASG that had a photo availability date set at the 10th of May 2010.

Sprint and Verizon Palm Pres both have an FCC ID of O8F-CASC, so the speculations is that O8F-CASG is a GSM version of the Palm Pre which is believed to be heading for the AT&T network on or about the 10th of May.

The reason they speculate the 10th of May is previous photo availability dates have match previous launch dates for both the Sprint Pre and the Verizon Palm Pre Plus, so logically we can expect the AT&T Pre on the 10th of May or near as.

So once AT&T gain the Palm Pre that basically only leaves T-Mobile without the webOS smartphone. Wonder if AT&T will want the Palm Pixi as well?

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