
Is Apple Targeting Android with HTC Lawsuit?

As we reported earlier, Apple has launched a lawsuit against the Nexus One maker HTC and has apparently cited 20 infringements of iPhone patents with the court and the US International Trade Commission. However, according to an article over on engadget, Apple looks to be going after Android.

Apparently the complaint to the US International Trade Commission makes a clear distinction between Android based handset and Windows Mobile handsets with HTC, with HTC’s Android handsets being repeatedly called for patent infringement.

They do say that they aren’t too sure what the issue is with Apple at the moment, and that the issue could be the precise way HTC implements the Android operating system rather than actually with Android itself.

Having said that, the Android OS has been out for quite a while now, so why would Apple wait this long, and why would Apple just sue HTC? If it is all about Android infringing then one would have thought Apple would have gone directly after Google. Will we see a bloody battle ensue between Apple and Google in the near future?

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