Mobile Phone Recycling Prices Rise on Average to £65
The mobile phone arena is moving more and more towards recycling and here in the UK many mobile phone users sell on their old mobile phone for recycling to online mobile recycling websites, but there can be a big discrepancy between those mobile recycling websites when it comes to how much cash you can get for your phone, and you could well be missing out on as much as £76.
According to the latest numbers for April 2010 from Recycling Value Countdown, a mobile phone recycling comparison website, the average value of an old mobile phone has now hit a new high rising to hit £65, whilst also showing that the most popular recycled handset in the UK is the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic which commands a potential value of a nice £87.
The Countdown also shows that the owners of the top ten mobile phones could well be losing out on an extra £558 due to not shopping around when recycling their handsets. Four of the top ten are HTC handsets.
When it comes to recycling price discrepancies for April 2010 the biggest were the BlackBerry Storm 9520 with a top offered price of £90 and the lowest being just £14, a difference of £76. Next is the Android T-Mobile G1 with a top recycling price of £76 and the lowest being £14 a difference of £62. Followed by the hugely popular 32GB iPhone 3GS that commanded a recycling top price of £302 and a low of £240 giving a difference of £60.
The MD of, Keir McConomy has said that their recent study has shown that there are up to 68 million old devices lying around in the United Kingdom, and with the average value of mobile phones sold through SellMyMobile, moving up to £65 there is still potentially billions worth of old handsets users could cash in on.
So if you have an old mobile phone kicking around and want to make sure you get the best possible recycling price you can for it make sure you take a look at before making your decision.
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