iOS 7 beta 4 prefigured for release today

This is just a quick notice for our readers to remind those of you waiting on iOS 7 beta 4, which is predicted to release today if the 2-week gap happens again. We know there hasn’t been as much proof as with the previous update, so the July 22 date is basically expected after looking at the past pattern and likelihood of iOS 7 beta 4 going up for download if you have developer access. So-called insiders haven’t confirmed this rumor this time around, so we currently have our doubts.
We only just touched on crashing problems in iOS 7 beta 3 on the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5, which also happened in previous versions but are expected to a certain degree by our in-house developer. We noted iOS 7 beta 3 improved on the iPhone 4S getting hot and fixed some minor bugs with iPhone 5, although we have since noted that the iPhone 4S crashes to a black screen a lot.
New fixes in iOS 7 beta 4 with problems sticking — we look forward to seeing what is fixed but anyone using iOS 7 beta to test apps on their iPad, iPhone 4S, 4 or 5 should assume problems will still exist thanks to this software being a couple of months away from public utilization.
The iOS 7 updates to beta 3 have not really offered any major new features since the original launch, and while there have been a few changes we expect some new features to be added in the coming betas that might even include iOS 7 beta 4 if it sees a release later today. We don’t have a release time or any official confirmation of a launch, although the previous download just appeared.
What problems are you experiencing that need a fix in iOS 7 beta 4? Hit the comments below, and remember to share issues with the type of device being used from an iPhone 5, 4S or iPad etc. The instant the next update is live you can be sure our readers will share this fact, but we’ll be sure to let our readers also know so keep up with Phones Review as we deliver updates.
140 thoughts on “iOS 7 beta 4 prefigured for release today”
I’m experiencing battery drains, faster than Beta 2 on my iPad mini. And whenever I turn location service on, my iPad mini overheats!
1. Less battery
2. Can’t change wallpaper more than once, or the “app” (background changer) crashes. Same if you do it through Photos…
3. Had the odd reboot
4. Had the odd black background occur
5. iMessages still not working for a few contacts even though they can send and receive to others…
ive been having call problems. like my iphone doesnt even notify me, and sometimes with texts too.
I’ve been experiencing that same problem… It’s a real bother when it comes to work.
Then don’t use a beta on your everyday phone are all of you deaf and dumb!!!
Well put up with the bugs then. Simple.
I have absolutely no problems with non-devs using the software. I do have a problem when they are not mature about it. I am not talking about you, “Joe,” I am talking about everyone out there that complains about the bugs (it is beta software, after all), and those who also complain about those who aren’t Apple devs.
Everyone, just be classy about it! Know that you are using beta software and that the whole point of having it is to let the general public deal with bugs to improve the software overall. This is why everyone that has the software should port the bugs to Apple (not sure if it is possible if you are a non-dev, but just try it out at bugreport(dot)apple(dot)com).
thank you for your comment sir
Spotify crashes all the time, gets very slow when more than 3 applications load at one time.
Whenever I turned the volume up or down when playing Spotify music it cuts out and closes down.
My phone just stops working like the touch screen just dosent work I have to manually shut it off and back on
Siri doesn’t read text messages
After telling Siri shuffle music pushing menu button causes ios crash
No shuffle radio stations option (ios 8 feature?)
Mail counter doesn’t reset
When opening an app animation is pixeled durring opening zoom
Missed phone calls randomly doesn’t ring
Siri still can tell the difference between Temecula CA and “to macula”
No fly over 3D maps (beta?)
missing phone calls!!! i missed several calls & missed caller leaves voicemail major major major fix- boosie
crashes my iphone 4 and it wont turn back on till the next day. happened twice. beta 3
calendar: can’t pinch to home screen after edit. Double tapping the day does not allow me to view the rest of the events. Can’t sync too.
Music: the search column is blocked after searching.
iPhone 4
iOS 7 Beta 3 –
Occasional Black Back ground.
Changing Wallpaper Crashes after the 2nd time you change it.
Battery life seems to charge fully really fast and die just as quick giving me only 1-2 hr battery life on 100%
Getting Extremely hot to point cannot touch phone.
Enable 3G, Signal goes on phone making it seem bricked, when 3G is turned off full signal and working fine.
The black background back you are experiencing is from closing an app through multitasking when that is the app you are running… for example. having safari open and multitasking, I close safari and the only option is to go back to the home screen, then the background with go black. Try it, thats what I have come to realise.
STOP PUTTING BETAS ON A PHONE YOU USE EVERYDAY YOU BLOODY IDIOTS. (hurr feature x and y aren’t working, or crashes, or missed phone calls.) yes this is what a beta is for, it’s not meant for the average person to wander around and complain about.
I have it on my everyday iPhone, yes, but I am responsible about it at least! I agree with you for the most part, though. I do have a bug here and there; I am careful and back it up everyday; and most importantly, I don’t complain about the software itself, I complain about hearing people complain about it!
IPhone 5
one of the major problems i have had with beta since its initial release is that the Find My IPhone app doesnt work at all. the second you try to locate your phone the app closes, I would really like to see them fix this.
There is an updated version of the Find My iPhone app available for download if you are a register developer
Guess you dont have access to dev centre. If you had then you should have seen the new version. You need to install that using xcode.
You have to get the new find my iphone app and install it through xcode 5 which there are instuctions on apple developer website which is currently down.
iPhone 4 CDMA
-Control Center would freeze right in the middle of my swiping it up, forcing me to press the home button so the control center could go all the way back down
-I wouldn’t get notified of my kik alerts
– in a millisecond right after you unlock your iPhone, the home screen wallpaper will be fuzzy (maybe cause it’s stuck on the password setup)
– iPhone would shut off, ALL the way off (forcing me to press the home screen button and the lock screen button for 10 seconds until the apple logo comes up
The Notification Center doesn’t show the X’s next to the alerts, so you can see what you’re clearing.
-Facebook alerts will show at the top of your phone, but when you swipe down to see it, it’s not there
More that I can’t think of right now……
To clear notifications you have to go to “All”, then the x appears to delete notifications.
I don’t see the X’s
Not really a complaint, more of a ‘I WANT APPLE TO ADD THE QUICK REPLY FEATURE ‘ like in OS X Mavericks
well, it’s a BETA so I expect problems.. just testing it out to see what’s going on.. so far I have problems starting some apps like Skype, Google+… my battery life in my opinion has become better then on iOS 6.. don’t know if it’s just a coincidence…
IOS7 Beta 3
Iphone 4.
– Battery drainage, i cannot even get 1 full day with my iphone but downgraded to ios6 , works for 2 days with constant use. (also charges quickly)
– Notifications dont always seem to pop up or alert me when im in another app or the iphones on the home screen..
– Black background (crashed device – Hold both buttons to reset it)
– i have to close all apps via double tapping home button if the apps wont open (Presses the app – animation shows its being pressed but wont open at all)
– Ive also noticed that the brightness is really dull even halfway.
Syncing of music. Please Apple PLEASE fix it
Can’t play music on the “Songs” group on the music app
Voice if speak selection is like a robot
On iPhone 4S there is problem with the slide show. Black background happens in most of the cases. With the locksreen there seems layered approach instead of background.
my iphone4 with ios 7 beta 3, suddenly it goes poweoff without any warning or notice. Need to manually hard re-boot. It is observed that if some one calls , still the caller listens ringtone but I am not aware of it.
mine also is facing that issue. already tried to restore to 6.1.3 then updae to ios7beta3
will it work for you after restore to 6.1.3 and to 7 beta 3?
my imessage wont activate
restore again your phone to ios 6 then update ios 7
iphone 4s getting hot and battery draining of within no time
mine is keep on shutting down and need to wait for couple of hours to be able to open again #iPhone4 #iOS7Beta3
There are many problems in beta 3, major are listed below.But one serious problem with me is that my i5 cant run USSD code, it instead call directly.Which is really a headache for me.Please fix it
Ios bets 3 showing the company name of caller. Thats very nice feature. I request apple to show notes field of caller like company name also in ios beta 4. It will be very usefull for business persons.
release how to update?
It’s not just one thing almost everything isn’t as fast and very glitchy not like i didn’t expect it i totally did seeing as it is just a beggining bet
My i5 is get hot even using wifi. Battery gone very quick. I have crash iOS one time create icloud photo shareing. Whatever better than beta 2.
I have an iPod Touch 5th gen with iOS 7 beta 3 and have no problems! 🙂
I have one too! I still have a lot of glitches with the user interface. Sometimes when I try to play a song the music app crashes. And if you don’t have you don’t have your UIDI Reg Code, your screwed, because either when apple scans your iDevice, or you update to beta 4 via OTA, they will shut off your device FOREVER.
I’m a developer… That’s the only way to go for me, the right way!
I m waiting for the update. Fast pls!!!
It will come out at about 1:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PST). It has for evry beta so far.
My apps keep crashing on my iPad mini
Still Sunday where I’m at, and since I’m in the same time zone as the Apple headquarters… Yeah, it’s likely to not be released for a few hours yet.
I have to admit I am wondering with the hack at apple if it will actually be out today?!?!
They should still be able to upload it and update OTA? 🙂
Im currently testing my apps on iOS 7 and at the same time my iPhone 5 has become so hot I received notice I would not be able to use the phone due to high temperatures. I never experienced this before and the phone was extremely hot. I was worried I would have a bursting battery. Too cool it I placed it on cold metal and after 5 minutes the phone came back. I hope the new beta release cures this heat and apple resetting issue.
Happened that once with my 4S on ios 5.1.1. I had put the phone on charging and placed it under my pillow while sleeping. When i woke up, I got the same error as you
My videos take a really very long time to get copied after installing ios 7. Also when i transfer files to apps like ‘USB Disk’ or ‘My Disk’ through iTunes, it takes about 30 minutes to transfer 1GB data… Also apps take really long time to sync.. Any1 else facing the same issue.???
Bugs on the iPhone 5 using IOS 7 are as follow:
1) Apps crashing
2)No notifications
3)Black wallpaper when phone unlocked or same as lock screen
4)Battery drainage
5)iPhone is still overheating
6)Low service and wi-fi at times
7)iPhone usually re springs itself
8)No time shown on lock screen when listening to music
9)Some radio stations won’t work on iTunes Radio or app crashes
10)Allowing apps to connect to Facebook won’t work
These are some of the problems I came through on the iPhone 5 running IOS 7 beta 3.Hopefully half of these issues get fixed in the 4th beta.There are also more issues,but right now,crashes,battery,and overheating are the main issues.All other issues are minor and will be fixed.
IOS 7 Beta 4 will come out 1:00 P.M EST time.Users can easily go to Settings and press on Software Update to update to the newest beta.
I register udids for ios 7 and upcoming betas if your interested. call or text me 7143078644
I download it for free.
I have only came across a few bugs but the main one is its so laggy. Everything just goes so slow and it sometimes (most of the time) just freezes. I am currently using it on and iPad 2 WiFi.
AT THE END I HAD TO DOWNGRADE TO IOS 6.3 until ios 7beta 4 to see if it fix the problem******
1 Black wallpaper,
2 can’t iMessage or whatsapp as there is a keyboard avaiable but no send button so have to restart the app.
3 Battry die in 4 hours.
4 on a lock screen if u r playing music, the music bar doesn’t disappear and when u put your phone in a pocket, it keep changes the volume or skip music.
5 app crashes
Also when you reduce motion (option in settings>accessibility>reduce motion)
there is a glitch with the status bar and wallpaper -_-
I also noticed that the battery is whack like you said.
Using: iPod>5G>Perfect Condition
IOS7 Beta 4 Wont be coming out today. Anyone whos a registered developer would have received this email this morning, and noticed also the the dev portal is now closed.
“Last Thursday, an intruder attempted to secure personal information of our
registered developers from our developer website. Sensitive personal
information was encrypted and cannot be accessed, however, we have not been
able to rule out the possibility that some developers’ names, mailing
addresses, and/or email addresses may have been accessed. In the spirit of
transparency, we want to inform you of the issue. We took the site down
immediately on Thursday and have been working around the clock since then.
Inorder to prevent a security threat like this from happening again, we’re
completely overhauling our developer systems, updating our server software,
and rebuilding our entire database. We apologize for the significant
inconvenience that our downtime has caused you and we expect to have the
developer website up again soon.”
Just because you received this email doesnt mean they wont still release the beta 4 today.
And where will they release it… When a new bets is released, it is ONLY released to developers and becomes available on the page. I cant see apple uploading the new IPSW’s to MEGA or Dropbox.
If they release it today I think it would be OTA only since the developer site is down.
It might still be released today if not probably later this week
The Dev portal is back up now, everythings back on schedule.
They should fix
1. the search bar in music play back, after you search for something the bar gets displaced.
2. Force close or crashing of apple store when searching for an app
3. The imessage and facetime cannot sign in
4. The keyboard is laggy
From iPad mini user
Also ability to play all music from a single artist, you can only do this via Siri unfortunately…
Heelll ye I am waitin it.. how much time left? how many hours to wait? 4? anybody knows?
Expect it by noon.
Will Airdrop be available on an iPhone 4s and iPad 2? Apple, please?
Yes, it will.
When? Final version of iOS 7?
Nope. Using 4s and usedd airdrop to install beta3
No man, this is called “over-the-air update”, and EVERY iphone does that. Airdrop is the one where you send files, photos, contacts and more over Wi-fi/Bluetooth, and only iPhone 5, iPad 4 and iPod touch 5th Gen are able to use it. That won’t be updated into older iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches because of hardware limitation.
So it will not be available on an iPhone 4S :/ Sad! Thanks anyway!
No it won’t. Apple said it will only work on the iPhone 5 and 4th gen iPad.
It won’t be available, only on the iPhone 5 and 4th gen iPad
Nick is thinking of over the air updates
True! I’m Russian…nevermind)
It won’t be available! :/ Thanks for the info.
I am a registered developer
Beta 3 is very buggy and beta 4 may release today or in few days
Testing iOS 7 Beta 3 on iPad 2 16 GB Cellular GSM
Using iphone 5, my main concern since beta 1 is is the unlocking bar…. basica&lly you can unloack the phone from anywyere on the home screen when locked provided you swipe from left to right (usual gesture to do so)! This leads to the phone unlocking itself while in the pocket, annoying
I’m on an iPhone 5 with beta 3 and when you swipe my control center up its no longer transparent its white and my notification center is no longer transparent its black. Is anyone else having that problem ?
Settings > General > Accessibility > turn off ‘Increase Contrast’
I Have iPad 4 and have noticed lots of apps once launched and used for a short duration of time seem to crash the multitasking tray and need a restart. Maybe apple should improve THAT!
I have iphone 4s but sometimes will going to black and the battery is fast lowbat
iPhone 4 8GB and 16GB switching off and only able to power back on using both the home button and the power button at the same time for about 15 seconds
exact same problem .. Any solution ?
iPhone 4S is doing exactly the same, hopefully this will be fixed as it it quite annoying. Usually happens when I use the camera strangely enough…
Same problem and it switches off and we would not be noticing it at all… We have to hard reset to get it back on track. Found this happening atleast 2 – 3 times every day and also multiple apps keep crashing
I’m on an iPhone 5 with beta 3, and when I ask Siri to read me a message. She alway says I don’t have any messages. But I do have messages. Anybody else having that problem ?
oh yes! I’ve noticed this BUT, she will read you UNREAD text messages (or iMessages). I used to be able to ask ‘can you read me my last message’ whether it was read or unread. That’s annoying :-/
Another problem I’m having on my iPhone 5 with beta 3 is when I’m in an opened app and I double tap the home button and delete it from being open, , my home screen goes black
iphone 5 ios7 beta 3 .. writing on top of screen overlapping??
does anyone now when beta 4 will be released??
beta 3 bug: won’t push/fetch email, have to open the email app to download new emails. Also shows that I have unread emails even though they’ve all been read.
that is true, IOS 7 beta 3 will not push/fetch e-mail and crash many times
ive read all this posts and nothing happened to me
iphone 4s ios 7 beta 3 runing smooth
you’re doing it wrong
iPhone 5, ios7 beta 3 bug: If you send a Message and partially use Siri Voice-To-Text to compose the content, the text message box is only one line high, and the rest of the message isn’t readable. For example, type “Hello.” then use Siri to add “Call me after 4pm and we’ll see about going to the movies or something. I had a good day today, how about you?” Send….
it always crash in almost of app, i can’t play many of games. and some of downloader program cannot open pictures . everything it so much slower. and battery life it so draining . camera it always be blackscreen. some of application can not open . especially BATTERY DRAININGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
What time does iOS 7 beta 4 come out today ?
it might not even be released today!
The developar site is down due to a hack. So Beta 4 might not be released today!
maybe ota?
when entering a password I enter a number (which is in my password) and the next character is lowercase BUT it is now entering UPPERCASE letters. I have to toggle Capitals ON and then OFF again so I can enter lowercase a-z again
yeah I’ve found that and it’s driving me nuts as my passwords are numbers and letters :-/
This is why I never have a password on my stuff.. Plus, if somebody steals anything >> Find my iPhone (iPad/iPod Touch) will have it show up when it connects to a Wi-Fi.. Plus I have a friend who can find the device by its IMEI..
I think the main reason that it’s crashing so often and so buggy is because it looks to similar to Windows Mobile with that weird plastic theme they’ve done with it all.
I guess with that plastic theme came the Microsoft Bug Generator, and probably something like the blue screen of death (black in our case)….
See what happens when you copy a shitty developer like Microsoft?
It’s coming out today beat 4 ?
When I use Vine app, the video is somewhat blurry. Also when I go into calendar and I click on the month, the app crashes.
I downloaded the iPad Mini beta and it is a complete hell. It is obvious that this isn’t a released product yet, but it still isn’t living up to the expectations of the Apple company. There really aren’t any new grand features, it is just basically a flat look. I am still hoping for new important features to come out before the final release.
f**k man it’s a beta, what do you expect, wet-soap smoothness?
I don’t know, it’s Apple… Can’t explain either y’all’s post.
its not ota
not ota. fuggit.
So, really released beta 4 but it’s not OTA?
no, its not released yet, period,
iPad 4 iOS 7 beta 3: The photo app keeps crashing, you can only load videos. If you want to see all of your photos then you have to go into the camera app and view them there.
noticed some messaging bugs. especially in the search bar and quick serach. however, there are a TON of bugs all over ios 7. really hope they squashed them soon. and of course, looking for quick reply.
we can not even use *xxx# codes as-well in beta 3 it starts calling to this specific number contains * and #
major working required on this
ussd code such *xxx# not working till beta 3, hope beta 4 would fix it (iphone 4s)
im downloading right now ios 7 beta 4
ios 7 beta 4 no bugss and laggy ang it works smoothly
maybe you’d like to show us a screenshot….
The developer portal is still down so I cant see Apple releasing beta 4 until the portal is back up again.
Plus an extra day or two because Apple.
Remove the music options on the lock screen. When im walking in the streets hearing my songs the music stops randomly. Remove it or lock it as ios 6
location based reminders do not work
Am using iphone 5 and ipad 3 so am having this issues on both devil.
1. can’t change my wallpaper constantly on iphone icon on main screen when it’s locked are not functioning !
on iphone
3. can’t access my picture through album on ipad !
other things seen to be perfect so i need to fix those and if anyone can help me out on this following problems please to hesitate to contact me on this mail
we can not even use *xxx# codes as-well in beta 3 it starts calling to this specific number contains * and #
major working required on this
we can not even use *xxx# codes as-well in beta 4 it starts calling to this specific number contains * and #
major working required on this