iPhone Mipwr Dynamo case charger for weightlifters

We get to see a number of neat new ideas here on Phones Review especially when it comes to new gadget accessories for our smartphones. These can cover a huge number of uses and today we have the iPhone Mipwer Dynamo case charger for you that would also be ideal for weightlifters.
The product you can see on this page in a video and images isn’t like any normal case for the Apple iPhone, as while it will offer some great protection for your smartphone it will also allow you to physically charge your device.
We have already seen something a little similar for the Apple iPhone 5 back in March that was called the Gridcase Reactor, but this latest device doesn’t use a handle and instead has a trigger that slides out of the side of the product that can be operated to boost the iPhone’s battery life.
The case itself has its own built in battery that is also charged via the trigger and the product can also be charged by the more conventional method of plugging into a wall socket as well. At the time of writing the iPhone Mipwer Dynamo case charger has yet to make it over to the Kickstarter Project, but for more info check the demo video we have embedded for you below or head over to the official website here.
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