
Where to buy LG G2 in UK


We have already provided you with the list of US carriers that will be selling the LG G2, and now we want to let you know where you can buy the LG G2 in the UK once it has been released.

O2 has confirmed that they will be selling the LG G2, but at the moment we have no idea on release dates or pricing details, as soon as we here from O2 UK we will let our readers know.

Three UK have released a 2 minute 39 second YouTube video titled “LG G2 on Three Sneak peak”, and they have also confirmed they will be selling this super smartphone very soon, yet again no prices or availability have been put forward.

The LG G2 slim smartphone comes featuring a stunning 5.2-inch full HD IPS display, 13MP OIS camera, which offers the best in photo quality, as well as a unique multifunction button on the rear. The handset has no other physical buttons other than the one on the back for your index finger to control.

It comes with a 2.3GHz quad core processor and 3000 mAh battery, we love the audio zoom and Guest mode feature as well. Three will be offering the LG G2 with its all-you-can-eat data, now all we need is a price and release date.

The pre-order date waiting game begins, hurry up O2 and Three, we can see these selling well. Please do let us know if you will be purchasing the LG G2 once released?

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