iOS 7 beta 7 release chances today

There has been a lot of speculation around iOS 7 beta 7 seeing a release date at some point this week, which is more about developers hoping rather than based on previous patterns. It seems that these developers are split on whether iOS 7 beta 7 or Gold Master will launch next, although our in-house developer has just notified us of a few problems with the update server within the last hour.
The screenshot you see below is from an iPhone 5 running iOS 7 beta 6 and this message has appeared only moments ago when checking to see if iOS 7 beta 7 is live. It is worth noting that this update might never arrive and we could be heading for Gold Master next.
Our in-house developer lives in the UK and said, “After checking to see if iOS 7 beta 7 is live or any other update I got this message while checking OTA. It basically states that an error occurred while checking for a software update, so you are unable to check for an update”. They continued, “I logged into the developer portal just fine and also tried to get an update on an iPhone 4S running iOS 7 beta 6, but the same problem and error message appeared”.
This might be some short downtime with the built-in software updater, or it could be that Apple is about to launch iOS 7 beta 7 with a release time around 10am PT as with past updates. We will have to wait and see, although we will contact our developer later today to see if the message is still there.
Would you like to see iOS 7 beta 7 release today, or would you rather go directly to Gold Master?
67 thoughts on “iOS 7 beta 7 release chances today”
beta 7. Apple isnt near ready to release GM, nevermind final version
I got beta 7 just now
Really? I didn’t get it. :-/
Even I dint….
Sorry, I went 5 to 6. Oops
GM is final..
No its actually not, its a version that is supposed to be the closest to the final version. In terms of amount of bugs, improvements, finishing touches etc. But there’s a different between GM and Final
I had this same error just moments before Beta 6 went live. maybe we’ll see an update today… maybe.
Hi Cizzie and Raul, I had this error and couldn’t update or download but after I plugged my iPhone into iTunes, everything started working again and the apps that needed updating were updated
I was talking about the iOS 7 Beta Update… not Apps Update. I don´t have any issue updating my apps.
I just want to be able to download apps again cuz right now I cant
I’m having the same problem…have to install/update through iTunes.
It is able to check for software update now. Beta 6 may be the last guys
i hope not
want to wait for GM.
i hope there is beta 7 cuz some stuff does crash and i really hope if there is a beta 7 they will enable panoramic wallpapers again
and it isnt showing that message anymore
That’s because youre not connected to wifi dumby
Not seeing it
What is gold master anyways?
It’s the “release candidate”-type build: Basically, the Gold Master is the version of iOS 7 that has few enough bugs to become a candidate for public release.
Think of it as Apple’s equivalent of Microsoft’s RTM builds of their software…
It’s a music industry metaphor, the Gold Master was the final press of the album vinyl after all editing had been complete and was ready for the distribution process.
It’s also used on videogames…when a game “Goes Gold” it means it’s ready for production. in this case Gold Master version means it’s the version that’s going to be released to the public.
Well, its 12 central time… No beta today! I guess will be waiting for the GM Release on September 10th
Maybe it will be released tomorrow, since Beta 5 (6 doesn’t really count) was released on a Tuesday, and Sept. 10 is also a Tuesday.
I really think that there’s no need for another beta, iOS 7 is almost ready to go. I’ll bet Apple is going to release it just as it is right now (GM Version) and iron out everything else for iOS 7.1
If we see another beta it has to be, as you said, no longer than tomorrow, cause it’s rumored that Apple will release GM to partners on Sept 5… and that’s just a little more than week from now.
For the iPhone, iOS 7 is almost ready, but for the iPad, it still has a long way to go.
That’s why there’s the rumor iOS 7 for iPad will come a week after the iPhone release. Although, I have it on an iPad mini and it runs smoothly.
iOS 7 on the iPad has a lot of orientation issues in that it goes all wacky when you keep turning it.
Haven’t noticed it. I’m not the primary user of that iPad maybe that’s why I have not seen it. But I’m sure Apple is at it right now, trying to have a same day release for every iDevice.
There’s also rumors that iOS 7 for iPad will launch in October after Apple hosts it iPad event.
Didn’t know Apple was going to host a separate event for iPad, which kind of make sense based on the rumors of the delayed production and the problems they had with the new screen.
They did it last year, where Sept. 12 was for the iPhone 5 and Oct. 23 was for the iPad mini and iPad 4th gen among other products.
Ohhh! Now I remember! you’re right, I got mad because I had just bought an iPad 3 and then the 4th iPad was announced…i was not expecting a new iPad until March 2013 hahaha I wasn’t as informed as I am now at that time.
I hear ya, I bought an iPad 3 too and I was really pissed that Apple announced a 4th gen just half a year later.
ios 7 isnt ready to go there is a voice memo bug still unfixed , audio isnt saved on ip4
That’s why I said… ALMOST.
Any news
There has to be an beta 7 because there’s still more bugs in Beta 6. Internet crashing when loading websites and more bugs.
Looks like its tomorrow or nothing, high possibility though as it will be two weeks exactly till Sept 10th and the expected GM release, only time will tell.
Im really hoping that Apples releases beta 7 tomorrow because their still seems to be a lot of bugs and kinks. And also Ive heard that Apple is release the Gold Master on September 5th and then the public release on September 10th, but other people say Apple is releasing the Gold Master on September 10th so i’m guess we still arn’t sure yet so I’ll just have to wait and wait and wait haha 😀
There needs to be a beta 7. Although rarely, my iPhone 5 sometimes crashes, and a lot of apps crash. Notifications in the notification centre also flicker. I’d like to see a beta 7.
Third party apps crashing can’t be fixed by either apple or developers until Apple gives them the go-ahead to release their iOS7 updates, which won’t happen until at least after GM.
That’s not true Plants vs Zombies 2 was fixed by the developer to be compatible with iOS 7.
Any news yet brothers? are we there yet?! haha!
I feel like Apple is going to skip releasing iOS 7 beta 7 and include all the bug fixes in the GM release. I mean September is right around the corner so I know they are working vigorously to polish iOS 7 as much as possible. Just be patient.
Omfg seriously there’s an error message and some bozo thinks there’s gonna be a beta release news flash your cell service sucks anyone can put their iPhone in airplane mode and get that error message I can’t tell who’s more stupid the guy that felt that error message was worth posting or the people who actually thought that it meant another beta was coming everyone should know not to expect apple to stick to old habits by now that was jobs schedule earth to 2013 jobs is dead things at apple have changed times have changed the beta 7 software isn’t going to come out when you expect it if at all for all we know it’ll be released four days before the gm stop making apple the center of your life check your update checker if its not there then clearly it isn’t coming yet post factual s*#% like when it actually is out all these comments are unecessary and a waist of people’s time
Eff me, I wonder why the world has punctuation :O they should just make it illegal. Then everyone would be able to read with so much less trouble! Great stuff! Revolutionary!
Apologies, wrong reply button 🙂
Gotta treat that parkinson man! hahaha Or just try to jerk off less from now on…it has some secondary effects.
waste of time. 😉
Guess what buddy, the update came out. Suck a fatty, mmkay?
iOS 7 Beta 7 Could be out Or they could skip it.
I hope on beta 7 they are going to fix wifi bugs. Me and my colleagues are unable to connect to universities wifi with a trusted certificate and ldap authentication. Also when I connect phone to linux pc I get the trust or not message and no matter how many times I press “trust” the message reappears and I’m not able to mount it. By any chance anyone knows if there is a forum for registering those type of things?
“Jailbreak Jailbreak Jailbreak” Someone said the evad3rs will release a new evasi0n for iOS 6.1.3/4 and 7 on the Golden Master date
i cant seem to access clash of clans and other high capacity games. Is it possible that could be caused by using to much memory im currently using abt 20 gb of space…..
So its far past 10 am Pacific Time and there’s no beta so I guess we’re not seeing one today either.
Past 10 AM again , any news chaps ? I reverted back to iOs 6 so can’t manually check for OTA
im running ios 7 beta 6 do they put facetime on ios7 gm?
i am already using ios 7 beta 6, should i downgrade to ios 6 because i heared tht thr wud be a problem to update the public release of ios7?? is it??